-Chapter [9]-

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(Apologies for the chapter being delayed, had to rewrite 90% of it.)

[Wakiya's POV]

Despite the near hour in Band I spent not caring about what had happened in the bathroom, as soon as the bell rang, all the awareness and embarrassment came back to me. The rest of the class started scattering to pack up, as did I, but a part of me wanted to wait and see what Valt would do or say. To my surprise, he seemed to be waiting for me, so I resumed packing up.

I stood up and stumbled towards him, while he began walking out the classroom. Even though I calmed down since what happened in the bathroom, the thought was still persistently lingering in my head. Usually, when me and Valt would walk together, we would be brimming in excitement to leave, carrying on our conversations like a steady river flow. However, this time, the space between us was filled with awkward silence, causing me to start trembling again.

As we stepped outside, Valt grimaced at the sudden glaring sun-to which I took as an opportunity to talk. "Didn't you check the forecast?" I chuckled as he rubbed his eyes. "You should start bringing sunglasses, at least until late September." Valt finally focused his eyes.

"I knew I should've packed some." "Well, if you need it, Rantaro should have a few extra pairs. 'Course I can't let you borrow mine, they're too expensive." Valt smiled as he rolled his eyes in a joking manner. "Wasn't even thinking of it."




Valt walked me to my Dorm first, as usual. I wanted to call out "bye" to Valt, but when I turned around, he was already nearing the corner. I sighed, disappointed as I stepped inside and closed the door. I looked around shocked-things were a mess; homework and textbooks were scattered across the once clear desktop, the beds were rummaged, pens lay everywhere, and on top of all that, Rantaro seemed to be passed out on my bed. Though the state he was in was unpleasant, just seeing him lifted immense pressure off my chest. I nudged his legs, but he didn't move.

"Rantaro!" I said, shaking him roughly. Still nothing. "Rantaro, get outta' my bed!" I used all my strength to push him towards the end, but he was way to heavy. I could barely even move his arms. After much struggle, I was finally able to push him off into the floor. He woke in a jolt, just as I was about to sit down. "Aghh..." He grumbled, finally getting up.

"Took you long enough to wake up." I tossed my bag onto the bed, now that there was room. "Why were you on my bed? And why's it so messy here?!" Rantaro wiped his eyes-they were puffy. "Uhm...I think I took a bit too much Motrin..." His voice was groggy and strained. Guilt filled my throat, knowing that I was the reason he was like this. He stayed here all day, stressed over my own problems.

"...Sorry," I mumbled, looking down. Rantaro shook his head. "It's .. fine. Don't apologize for things that aren't your fault," he sighed, sitting beside me. "Sooo...your parents contact you anymore?" I shook my head, feeling tears burn in my eyes. "No. I've been texting both but neither of them respond." Rantaro bit his lip and looked away; I could tell he was starting to get emotional again.

I grabbed his hands tightly and pulled his face towards mine. "Listen. I don't want you to stress over everything, okay? These are my own problems, you shouldn't be trying to fix them for me." I said sternly but shakily. It was hard to give a pep-talk when I myself wasn't in the best condition. Rantaro gave me a weak smile nonetheless. "I know, I know...I'm just worried about you. What if-" "You don't listen." I interrupted him before he could start rambling. Rantaro frowned, before chuckling. I reached into my school bag and pulled out the pack of cigarettes he lended to me. "Here. They weren't much help." Rantaro hesitantly took the box from my hand, and to my surprise, he tossed them into the trash. "I shouldn't have let you take 'em." He muttered. I just let out a hum.

Highschool Mishap // Valt x AigerWhere stories live. Discover now