-Chapter [10]-

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[Friday, 5 days after Wakiya's "breakdown"]

[1st Period]


"And that is exactly why we STAY fighting. Gosh, I can't STAND Harold. I never should've gave him my number, and I DAMN sure should've never let him have my sisters number too! You all agree, right? That he's an asshole?!"



"Yes, Ms. Kosher!"

"Aren't I right?"

"...Yes Ms. Kosher."

Ms. Kosher gave a hearty laugh as she continued to pass out the dreaded test papers.

"Oh, you children are just so sensible today! I almost feel bad for giving you all a test today." She chirped as she reached Valt's desk and placed his test backside down. For once, she didn't slam it. "But you know I can't afford to lose my job. Now that they're all out, you may start! And remember, NO TALKING! Or else that's a 10% point deduction."

Aiger let out a small scoff and rolled his eyes, taking one last chance to glance at Valt. "You better do good" He mouthed. Valt frowned, knowing good and well he'd forgotten every bit of math Aiger taught him to do. As the 60 minute timer began to tick down, random thoughts started to pop into Valt's mind, the most prominent being Wakiya's breakdown in the bathroom. Even though it's been 5 days since it happened, Valt couldn't shake the memory from his head. It was like it'd been engraved into his brain.

He wanted to confront Wakiya about it yesterday, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to do it. If the memory bothered Valt as much as it did, he couldn't begin to fathom the embarrassment and frustration Wakiya must feel whenever Valt brings it up. After all, he kept making it crystal clear than Valt wasn't supposed to see what he did.

Valt rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of his thoughts. Right now, he just needed to focus on the mess that was his test paper. He glanced over to Aiger again, who was sitting across from him. He was already onto the backside of the test, while Valt was still stuck on the 3rd question of the front page. Even though Aiger had been lecturing him every day since Monday, Valt couldn't seem to remember a word of it.

"30 minutes left, class. So far, you're all doing...decent, I suppose." Ms. Kosher called out after a short while. Valt felt a small panic arise in his stomach as he quickly started writing down random answers. He didn't really care if they were right or not, he just didn't want to spend his break period in Ms. Koshers hot and dry classroom.

When the timer had gone off, Valt knew he completely bombed it, but he couldn't let Aiger know he guessed 90% of the questions. Speaking of which, he had turned his body to look at Valt's test. "How d'you think you did?" Aiger asked with a skeptical look on his face. Valt nervously smiled at him, debating whether he should tell him the truth. "Uhhh...maybe a 65 out of 80. You?" Aiger furrowed his brow slightly at Valt's words. "You better not get a 65, Valt. I wasted good hours studying with you," he grumbled. Valt's heart sunk into his stomach, though he should've expected what Aiger said. 'I'm done for' he thought to himself. "I had to have gotten 70 or above." Aiger added, making Valt feel worse.

"That's...great..!" He praised through gritted teeth. Though in his mind, one thing was obvious. 'I gotta come back during break...'

. . .

When break period did finally hit, Valt noticed that yet again, a certain someone wasn't there. "Hey, Honcho's still not here today?" Valt asked, glancing around. "No. He's been gone a while. Kinda worried about him," Shu answered, crossing his arms. "Has anyone checked up on him?" Valt shook his head. "I tried but he hasn't been answering my calls. Maybe he's not feeling good?"

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