Trouble in class

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I bang my head against my locker.

This is so frustrating

I look up at my locker. There was new graffiti on it that read "faggot" with a sloppy drawing of my face with an arrow pointing to a penis next to it, labeled "Boris's dick"

"I'm gonna fucking kms" I whisper out of anger. I take three books from my locker and hear A snicker behind me. "Not without me potter"  I don't even look behind be too see who it is, I know it's Boris. He's the only descent person in this shit hole that calls me potter, let alone talks to me.

He glanced at the drawings on my locker and sighed "my dick does not look like that potter" he laughed and took the books I was holding out of my hand as I rolled my eyes and chuckled"we go to my place after next class potter" he furrows his eyebrows waiting for my response. "Yeah but todays been boring as shit, idk if I even wanna go to class" he gives my books back and covers his mouth as he laughs "The teacher we're having next period Is an ass, I was thinking we could be dicks in her lesson" he's basically pissing himself laughing now. I look up trying not to laugh, I'd like to annoy our shitty teachers with Boris. "Alright yeah fine" Boris practically jumps than he grabs me by my shoulders and pushes us too class. We weren't late this time.

We sit at our table, no one likes sitting on our table so we took the biggest table in the class. It was four tables pushed together with eight seats, Boris took up two seats(using one as a foot rest) as I took up one seat. As I sat down my thighs did the thing they do when they squish as you sit. I hated when that happens, I wish my thighs weren't so chubby and fleshy.

We're about half way into the lesson and Boris finally taps my shoulder and leans towards me, covering his mouth. "Who ever can moan the loudest gets a whole pack of cigarettes for themselves" he looks over and smirks, he moaned a little quiet but Loud enough too catch some kids attention. He looks over at me and nudges my arm. "bet" I say grabbing his arm and looking up. I moaned way louder then him, definitely catching my teachers attention. The kids in the class were snickering and whispering, looking over at us and giggling. The teacher turns form the black board and is red, "you think she's turned on or just angry?" Boris said making us both cackle. "Who ever is making those un godly sounds, stop it" she went back to writing on the board. "Go Go, your turn now"

before Boris could moan, we see a girl turn facing us. "What's wrong Theo, moaning for Boris?" A boy next to her than turned to face us. "What's going on under the table huh fags?" Boris snickered and I rolled my eyes, looking at Boris. He looked at me than tapped my thigh with his finger. "AAHH THEO" he covered his mouth and basically shit himself laughing. I quickly put my head on the table, folding my arms and burying my head into them. I think my ears were red as shit cause Boris grabbed my elbow and said "oh shit potter your red as dick" the whole class was turned towards us now.

"THEIR GIVING EACH OTHER HANDJOBS UNDER THE TABLE" I heard one kid yell. I could hear the teacher stomping towards us. When she got to us all I could see was the tip of her heels in the corner of my eyes. Boris was still laughing and so was I. "GET OUT. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS IN MY CLASS THAN I DONT WANT YOU IN IT" I kicked Boris's foot. He decided gaslighting was the best option now. "Act like what?" A few kids in our class played along, wanting more drama, "yeah miss, sorry but what are you on about?" I heard a kid say.  "Just ignore them miss, Continue the lesson"

I swear to you I could feel her fucking aura on the back of my head. "Mr pavolski, out, I'm not allowing queer's in my lesson" Boris than got defensive "we aren't gay we're just funny, your all blunt as dick"  half the kids in our class were laughing, some disappointed, some trying to get the teacher off our asses. "Mr decker, I will be contacting your father about your..queer behavior"

Queer behavior? What? We arnt queer we're not. And why tell my dad? Why? What does he have to do with MY life? Will she tell my dad? My dad will surely beat the living shot out of me. Maybe even do something to Boris. What am I thinking, what Is she thinking. What is Boris thinking? In that moment I wanted to go back in time and die.

she than grabbed mine and Boris's arm and dragged us out of her class, giving us a note and shutting the door. Boris was laughing but I was scared shitless. Not of the teacher but of my dad, if he found out what I was like in school. If he even had the idea of me being queer. Boris kicked our classroom door, denting it and we both ran out of the school.

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