Our seperate dreams

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Boris was pulling my arm as he ran too his house. I'm sure he knew I felt like shit and I was hoping I'd be able to stay the night over at his for a few nights. "Boris" no response

Could he hear me? Is he deaf??

"Boris!" He turned his head to look at me "what?" He still had a shit eating smile on his face"mind if I stay over for a few days?" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at my chest, still whilst holding my arm. "Yes, my father might be back on Sunday though" he looked back up at me, to my lips, than back at my eyes. I acted like I didn't notice anything since he has a habit of doing this-looking at my lips-"that's alright, I'll just leave Saturday, you can come over"

We're walking now and we're about 20 mins away from his house. Boris sees a Lady with her kid-about 2 or 3- and Boris looks at me and grins "they look like vaginas" I say and that's all Boris needed too start laughing. "They do!" He could barely even speak. The lady looked over at us and said to her kid "that's what happens when you don't go to school honey" and speed walked away from us. I couldn't care less about that lady's words, I'm not taking advise from a vagina.

After that scene Boris and I finally made it too his house and we slumped on his rickety ass bed, I like his bed. It smells like him, feels like him. Plus it basically has all his clothes buried somewhere in one of his blankets, so whenever I leave Boris's house I usually leave with a shirt or a singlet with wholes in it.

Boris reached into one of his drawers and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. "You won" he said before pulling out a bud and rolling a cig for himself "but you-" He put the packet in my pocket, his other hand holding a lighter, his cigarette in his mouth, and lighted the cigarette as he put the packet in my pocket. I don't know why but that, for some reason was so hot. What the shit.

Did I just watch Boris multitask and call it hot?

Yeah I did, He does a lot of hot stuff. For example. Breath, wake up, breath, walk, talk, think, eat, stare, he's so hot.

"I feel like watching movie" he says as he takes the cigerette out of his mouth and taps it over the ashtray next to his bed. "Yeah, okay" he than leans close to me and whisperes "horror movie" he knows I don't like horror movies. Not because their scary bur because their stupid. Why would you hide in a bathroom stall, cornering yourself, instead of simply breaking a window and escaping? I like problem solving horror movies. Like fractured or shutter island.

"Oh fuck you, the horror movies you watch are dog shit" I say, smacking his chest. "The horror movie you watch are long and boring, they are barely even horror movie potter" "we watch this one first, than you pick" he gets out of bed and puts a dvd in his DVD player, and got back into bed leaning closer to me. "This movie potter, you will shit your boxers" he rested his head on mine and sat a few beer bottles in the small gap between us.

His legs were rested on mine, one of them slightly on my thigh and my arm was around his, the movie was about a girl closing her eyes in the shower and getting killed by a skinned person without a face. She was in the shower and was washing her face. When she closed her eyes a figure came jumping out of her curtains and ate her face. The movie revolves around the faceless figure wanting a face again. So he eats other peoples faces, the more faces he eats the more human he looks. By the end of the movie the faceless man was a human again. Most of the killings were in the shower. He wasted for his victims to face the wall or close their eyes and when they turn back around or open their eyes he'd jump out at them, there was a huge plot twist though. At the end of the movie you see him as a human but there's a small flash of light showing he's still faceless and still not human. Meaning he wants more, than he jumps at the screen. I'm not even going to lie that movie did scare me shitless. I didn't want to shower for another three years.

Boris looked over at me and smiled. "Shit yet potter?" I pushed his chest and he started laughing. I look outside and see it's dark. "How long was the movie Boris?" He checks his tv and looks at the time. "Six Hours potter" the time is now around 9:50 "SIX HOURS?" Boris was chuckling whilst swallowing a mouthful of beer "six" he said nodding his head.

"I'm having a shower" I said getting up. "really? After scary movie about dead girl in shower potter?" He watched me walk away and heard me turn the shower on. I wasn't even I the shower. I was just in the bathroom. I don't even know what I was doing, I didn't want to shower because of the movie, why did I even say I was going to shower? I heard Boris come towards the bathroom and open the door. He went into the shower and turned it off and looked at me, trying not to laugh.

He opened his arms and I walked over and hugged him. He placed his hand on my head and ran them through my hair."Come Potter" he lead me back to his room and closed the door, locking it and lays on his bed. He rests his knee on my thigh again and I feel my thigh do the squishing thing again..

"Potter..." I wake up confused and look to my left. Was he sleep taking? he's never sleep talked before so you can imagine how confused I was. "What Boris?" I run my eyes and reach for my glasses next to my side of the bed on the floor. "Ahh..potter..." i dropped my glasses when I heard him moan my name. I quickly picked them up after a few seconds of processing what the shit I just heard and turned towards him "the shit?" I whispered tapping him.

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