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At the break of dawn, Jugo saw Sasuke coming out of the tent. And, she seemed, content? He can see the soft smile lingering on her features, the reason! Jugo don't need to think that hard, neither he wanted to know in the first hand.

In a blink of an eye, Sasuke was standing straight in front of him. He sighed and put on his cloak.
He was fixing his cloak's collar as he said, "Itachi stopped the edo tensei, but cannot stop Uchiha Madara from cancelling it".

" Yeah, that hundred year old bastard is creating a havoc in the battlefield, just like his adulthood days. All five leaders of great nations have been taken down only in one night". She said in a serious voice.

Sasuke took a glance on the woman lying unconsious besides Jugo.
"Jugo, hurry up. We need to go before someone spots us".

"Yeah! Let's go", he took Anko's slumped body on his shoulder and ran fast through the thick dense forest following Sasuke's lead.

Little did Sasuke knew, they were being followed by two people until a loud shrieking voice came from her back.
" Wait up, Sasuke. Wait for us!"

Sasuke without stopping on her treks turned back and saw Karin and Suigetsu folowing both she & Jugo.
"Just speed up. I am not gonna wait for you guys. Its an emergency", she spat back on both of them.

" Damn it", Suigetsu cursed under his breath as he and Karin took up on their pace to catch up with Sasuke.

The reunited team Taka along with an unconscious woman stopped in front of the dungeon where Kabuto is being captured by Itachi's Izanami. All four of them entered the dungeon quietly. Other three except Sasuke were staring at the sorry figure of Kabuto. The weird scaly snake like man, whose lips were cut off brutally and missing his right arm from his shoulder. His white body was so still, as if in a deep sleep or something. No one dared to ask anything to Sasuke but were happy too that whatever and whoever did this deed have taken an excellent revenge.

In the meantime, when other three were busy staring at Kabuto, Sasuke kneeled beside Anko and performed few hand signs she remembered well when Itachi fought her three years back. She placed her index and middle on Anko's curse sign and reversed it, successfully drawing out a live Orochimaru from her.

As soon as the other three sensed a familiar ominous chakra behind their back, their attention shifted from Kabuto and stared dumbfoundly on the new danger.

Karin immediately rushed right beside Sasuke followed by other two. Their hands and feet trembling on watching the person in front of them, but also determined to protect Sasuke at all cost.

Sasuke sighed on their overprotectiveness as Orochimaru snickered.

"Jugo, Suigetsu, Karin! Its fine. He will not do anything. You have my words", she tried to convince her team, as they refused to back down.

" No way! How can you say its fine? Wherever this man is, nothing is fine!", Suigetsu sneered back on her.

"Ah Suigetsu! Nice to meet all of you.
Well, Sasuke's right over here. I don't plan to play foul this time. Being inside Kabuto all this time through this curse seal , made me realise something very important", Orochimaru assured the terrified three nins as he smiled towards Sasuke.

" Oh yeah? Shall we gotta know, what the hell you realized? Cuz you saying things like that, just don't seem to sit right!", Karin spat back on Orochimaru.

Orochumaru smiled softly as he replied staring on Kabuto,
"Itachi's Izanami in which Kabuto is being trapped now. It also somehow made me wonder back about my past deeds. Well, right now, I just want to help this ninja world with my inventions rather than being selfishly extending my lifecycle".

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