New Information

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❤️‍🔥ZANDER'S P.O.V.❤️‍🔥
    "What happened after I was taken?" I asked the two men sitting in front of me. At the question the both looked extremely uncomfortable. I ran my fingers through my long platinum blond tresses that I decided to let loose today.

"I get that you guys didn't understand much back then, but I'm sure you do now." I said with clenched fist as I tried to keep myself calm. The other day when I left, I went to have a visit with the king and queen and it definitely didn't go how I expected.

Tez sighed and rubbed his hands down his face before speaking. "I honestly don't even know where to start."

""I know this may be difficult but I need answers. I went to see the king and queen the other day and it was horrible. As soon as the king saw me anger took over and he refused to even speak to me. The queen, bless her angelic sou, was a complete mess and could barely form sentences over her sobs. Eventually Lilith and Page came in and where able to tell me to speak to you two."

    "Of course uncle Vic wouldn't speak to you." Caleb said with a scuff. "If he did he would have to admit that he was fucking wrong." I looked over to him as he stood and began to pace.

    "What do you mean?" I asked

    "Exactly what he said." Tez answered. "He made an impulsive decision that could ultimately coast Storm her life."

    I stared at him in bewilderment, that couldn't be true. The king loved his daughter more than he loved himself he couldn't possibly put her in more danger than she was already in.

    "That can't be true." Can it?

    "Let me ask you this? Have you noticed the change?" Tez asked.

    "What change?"

    "You're meaning to tell us that you haven't noticed how easily provoked she is? Or that she has absolutely no problem killing people? Tell me something how did she look when she was killing those people when she broke you out? Look past the hurt she was feeling when she saw you or even the anger she had towards Ezra." Caleb countered.

    I took a moment to think about that day, and I mean really think about it. The way her body moved with grace as she moved from man to man as she skillfully snapped their necks and spines like it was the easiest thing in the world. How calm her demeanor was when she threw a fire ball towards her unsuspecting victim. I can honestly say that wasn't normal, but what has me really thinking is the conversation the morning after. Though she dismissed the hole situation her eyes, her beautiful white golden red orbs showed no remorse.

"She's obviously not the same little girl she was. She was ripped away from her family so unsuspectingly. You can't expect her to be the same." I said hoping to convince myself more than them. Tez shook his head with a small chuckle before speaking.

"You don't even believe that." He stood to full height and walked over to his mini fridge to grab a beer and handed one to Caleb, and I as well. "We all know that the original plan was to strip her of her memories until her eighteenth birthday where she would gradually remember on her own." I nodded my head in agreement and motioned for him to continue.

"Uncle Vic thought that sending her far away from from here, would only do the bare minimum to protect her. He didn't want her to come after you." I was shocked at his words and honestly couldn't wrap my head around them.

"He wanted to leave me there? To separate me from my mate, completely?" I asked in confusion.

"He said that your visions were too off at times and he didn't want to risk that."

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