"we're friends, okay?"

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Y/n's POV

Four years later and I was eighteen. I graduated from high school by doing all my classes online. I decided to forget about Tim but stay in Gotham. I was actually working as a photographer and I picked up jobs as I got offers. I filmed ads, did photoshoots and recorded interviews for mayors and city meetings. I was doing pretty good by myself and I was thriving so that was good. It was now fall and the leaves starting turning orange. We didn't have that much greenery in the city, but the few trees that we had were so pretty. The warm colors with the crisp air was just amazing. I started to forget why I loved fall in the first place. 

Thirteen Years Ago

Y/n and Tim were just kindergarteners and they went to the same elementary school. They hadn't spoken to each other before but Y/n noticed some bigger kids picking on him. She saw them push him into a pile of leaves and they all started laughing at him. Y/n felt bad for the poor kid so she decided to do something about it. 

"I don't know why you're picking on him when you look like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. It's only fall, yet your nose is red as if you're a clown, actually you're not the clown. You're the entire circus" Y/n told off one of the boys. 

All of his friends started laughing at him. 

"You're getting clowned by kindergartener" one of them said. "Oh you're laughing? You guys are just as bad. Imagine not being able to make your own decisions you're gonna end up as some really sad adults, just saying" she continued. 

The boys left, feeling embarrassed. They really got told off by a five year old, which by the way, where did she learn how to talk like that?

"Are you okay?" Y/n extended her hand out to Tim. "Yeah" Tim took her hand even though it was cold. "What's your name?" Y/n asked him. "I'm Tim" he replied to her. "I'm Y/n, for now on we're friends, okay?" she said to him. "Okay" he agreed. "Let's go" Y/n and Tim played on the playground. 

Ever since that day, the two had become the greatest of friends and a lot of their best memories happened in the fall. When they were seven, they went to Tim's house to carve pumpkins and then took them outside. Janet managed to get a picture of them before Y/n dropped hers and it smashed on the floor. At first, Y/n felt bad but then she laughed it off with Tim. 

Another time, Y/n and Tim were working on their science project at Y/n's house. They were making a motor and then it overheated, causing it to blow up. It was so loud that the entire block heard it and the leaves in the yard scattered all over the place like snowflakes.

"What the hell happened?" Y/n's father asked. "The motor overheated" Tim explained. "I um- wow how- don't commit arson" he didn't know what to say. 

The final fall they had together was in Tim's treehouse. The sun was setting and the leaves rustled in the wind. The little light that they had was coming from the fairy lights and the lowering sun. 

"What are we gonna do after we graduate from high school?" Tim asked Y/n. "I don't know Tim, we're only thirteen and we have so much time to think about it" Y/n really didn't wanna think about her plans after high school. "You're right Y/n, it doesn't even matter. At the end of the day we'll still be friends and talk every day" Tim said. 

Tim was wrong, it had been five years since they've even interacted with each other. For all he knew, Y/n could be halfway across the world. 

Tim's POV 

Fall rolled around again and it made me think of Y/n. We became friends in the fall and my favorite memories with her were in the fall. I was in Titans tower in my room. I started to miss Y/n way too much. I went to my closet and opened a photo album. It was a bunch of pictures of me and Y/n when we were younger. I wonder how she's doing now. I'm pretty sure she forgot all about me and was onto her own things. 

"Hey Timmy whatchu doing?" Wally zoomed over to me. "Nothing!" I closed the album. "Ohhhh you have secrets, does Mr. Wayne know about this?" Wally grabbed the album and looked at the pictures. 

I saw his playful expression soften. 

"Who's this?" he asked me. "Y/n, she was my best friend but I haven't talked to her in years" I explained. "Why not?" he asked. "Well I became Robin and I left everyone behind so they'd be safe" I explained. "You never broke the rules to see her once?" he asked. "I could never do that, I'd probably get the suit taken away" I denied his suggestion. "Oh please, I know for a fact Dick and Jason have done way worst" Wally tried to convince me to break the rules. "I'm not doing it, forget I even talked about this" I ended the conversation. 

Y/n's POV 

As I was walking home I sneezed. 

Someone's talking about me  I thought to myself.

I got to my apartment and took off my shoes before flopping on the couch. I was all around the city doing photoshoots all day and then I had to edit the photos but I didn't wanna think about that now. I got up and boiled some water to make some cup noodles. I could've cooked an actual meal but I was being lazy. 

I went to my room to put down my camera and then I saw something on the floor I picked it up and it was a polaroid. There was a picture of me and Tim laying in the leaves. The words 'our favorite season' was written on the photo. The nostalgia hit me hard and I ended up putting all my pictures on a wall in my room, just like I did when I lived with my parents. How could I forget about all these memories? They were so precious to me and I somehow forgot all about them.

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