"i let my actions speak"

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Y/n's POV

It had been about two months since I last saw Tim. It took me a month to fully recover and I took an additional month off of work. I went and visited my parents after years and it was nice but I didn't feel happy, I think I knew why too. I treated Tim so badly and I knew it hurt him seeing me so messed up. I was so stupid for putting that virus into my body but I didn't want to see Tim hurt. I loved him so much, yet I couldn't express my feelings normally. 

I sat in my living room and watched TV. The news was on and I just looked at the TV and didn't really pay attention to what was going on. I was so numb to everything and on top of that, I was lonely. I had nobody in Gotham and pushed the people who enjoyed my company away. It wasn't that I couldn't be loved, I didn't want people loving me because I was scared I'd lose them just like I lost Tim. 

The most painful thing about that 'lost' was that I knew he was still here, I just didn't know where he was. I wanted to get Tim off of my mind but I couldn't for some reason. I knew he wanted to love me and I wanted to love him, but I didn't know how it'd work out. 

Tim's POV

I was on patrol and I saw Y/n through her apartment window. We didn't have to check in on her any more but I still saw her sometimes. It was easier to look at her from a distance instead of approaching her, but I knew I couldn't do that forever. I really needed to tell her how I felt and that was the biggest challenge I'd ever face. 

Y/n's eyes were dull and she looked so out of it. I couldn't believe that she was once a little girl who was so sharp and lively. She broke, and it was my fault. I had fucked up so many times and I had to apologize now.

I tapped on her window and she opened it for me. I stepped inside and stood in front of her. 

"What are you doing here? Can't you get in trouble with Batman?" Y/n asked. "I don't care about any of that right now" I said to her. "Then why did you come here?" she asked. 

Y/n's eyes showed so many emotions at once. Shock, confusion, fear, sadness, yearning, I could see it all.

"I'm sorry Y/n" I said to her. "Why are you the one apologizing? I was the one who said all those shitty things and almost killed myself. I'm the dumbass, I'm the irresponsible one, I'm reckless, it's all my fault" a few tears ran down Y/n's cheek. "You wouldn't have done all those things if I was honest with you and I should've protected you that night" I wiped away her tears. "Wanna know something crazy?" Y/n asked me. "What is it?" I asked. "I only took that virus in because I didn't want you getting hurt. I love you too much" she confessed to me. "I came here to confess, Y/n" I said to her. "I guess I beat you" she smiled at me. 

I took off my cowl and my mask. After that I let my actions speak to Y/n. I placed my hands on her cheeks and pulled her closer to me. I finally kissed her, the one thing that I've wanted to do for years, I did it. 

Y/n's POV

Tim's lips met mine. They were so cold because of the wintery weather, but I didn't pull away cause I wanted this too. 

"You didn't kiss me first" Tim smiled at me. "How did it take me so long to realize that I loved you?" I asked. "I don't know, I'm just glad you know now" he replied. 

I hugged Tim and I realized how much he had grown. We were no longer little kids, we were adults now and those moments from our childhood were now memories. 

"Y/n can we do this more often" Tim asked. "You can come every night" I replied to him. "Just remember that I'm right here Y/n, I'm always gonna be there for you" he said to me. 

I kissed him again and then I let go of him. 

"You gotta go now" I spoke softly with my hands placed gently on his chest. "You're right Y/n, I'll be back" Tim said before giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

And like that, he was gone for the night. I felt a little more complete knowing that I had Tim at my side now. 

Tim's POV 

When I got to the Batcave, Dick, Jason, Cass, and Barbara all applauded for me. I was so confused.

"What are you clapping for?" I asked. "You left your mic on genius" Barbara said to me. "Seriously?" I asked. ""I don't care about any of that right now"" Jason quoted me. ""I should've protected you that night"" Dick said. ""You didn't kiss me first"" Cass mocked me. 

My cheeks were turning red, they had heard everything.

"Look at you getting bitches" Damian came out of nowhere. "Stop saying that!" I yelled at him. "No Tim, it was really sweet, honestly. But next time turn off your mic to save yourself from the embarrassment" Babs said to me. "I'll keep that in mind" I said to her. 

I went upstairs to my room and took a shower. Once I was done, I saw a text message from Y/n. I opened it and saw a polaroid of us when we were younger. We were in the leaves and the caption said 'our favorite season'. I was smiling to myself like an idiot. I couldn't believe she had the picture after all this time.


I can't believe you still have that

I have a bunch of pictures in my room

I have an album lmao

wanna go apple picking next fall?

of course

I guess it was our memories that reunited us after all these years. And that's how I fell in love with my best friend. 

The End

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