"let them stare"

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Y/n's POV

I was getting ready for a party that night. A cosmetic company was launching a new product and they were throwing a huge party for it. I threw on this glittery dress that had that cowl neck. I did makeup that had a little glitter in it and put on some clear heels. I looked at myself in the mirror. I hadn't gotten a haircut in years and now my hair was above my shoulders. I left it down for the night and headed to this party.

The security was light but I was fine with that. There were a bunch of people at this party and music was blasting.

"Ah Y/n, I didn't think you'd come" one of the managers said to me. "It seemed like it'd be a huge party so I thought it'd be worth it" I explained to him. "Well have some fun and enjoy yourself. You deserve it" he smiled at me before disappearing in the crowd.

I looked at the cosmetics that were on display. I saw a retinol in a baby pink packaging. I really wanted to see if it really was as good as the marketing team said it was. Although the media may say one thing about a product, the truth lies in the tests. The accurate data would be enough for me.

"I haven't seen you around before, what do you do?" a man in a dark brown suit began talking to me. "I'm a photographer, I actually did the ads for PepperPop" I explained. "Oh that was you, you're really talented. What's your name?" he asked me. "Y/n, what about you?" I asked. "Alfons Hopson. I'm the CEO of a clothing company" he told me his title. "Oh I'm guessing you like fashion design" I assumed. "Actually I bought the company because the previous owner and founder couldn't handle the business" he explained. "Oh...that's unfortunate" I said to him. "Actually it isn't that bad, this was better because-" I started to tune him out.

I saw this girl with this guy and she clearly wasn't interested in him.

"I'm gonna go" I said to Alfons. "Okay" he replied to me.

I walked over to the girl and pretended like we knew each other.

"Oh my god, I was looking for you, who's this?" I asked. "I actually didn't get his name" she replied to me. "Oh, anyways, I hope you don't mind if I steal her" I said to the man.

I held her hand and took her to the bar.

"I've seen you before, haven't I?" I said to her. "You're Y/n, the photographer right" she said to me. "I am. Oh I remember now, I think I took your pictures for some promotional stuff" I recalled. "Yeah, I'm Vera" she introduced herself. "You're like...really pretty I said to her" I said to her.

I saw her get flustered.

"Is there anything I can't get for you ladies?" the bartender asked. "Tequila, what about you?" I asked Vera. "Piña Colada for me" she said.

The bartender got us our drinks and I got out my wallet to pay.

"Let me pay" Vera said to me. "No it's fine, really" I denied. "It's my way of saying thank you" she insisted. "Okay fine" I gave up.

We took a few sips of our drinks and then we were done.

"Let's go dance" I said to Vera. "Are you sure?" she asked me. "Yeah, it's a party let's have some fun" I said to her.

As we were dancing, I felt other people staring at me and Vera.

"Y/n doesn't this make you feel nervous?" Vera asked me. "What, the people staring? Let them stare, sometimes you need to stop caring. You can't really enjoy yourself if you care what others think about you" I explained to her. "It's kinda my whole thing, as a model and all" she replied to me. "You're not working right now" I said almost in a whisper. "You're right" she replied to me.

Her hands made their way to my waist and my hands went to her shoulders. We danced to the music and people continued to stare but it didn't bother us.

Tim's POV

I was on patrol with Jason and I noticed that there was a party going on in one of the buildings. I decided to look from the building I was at just in case something happened.

"Damn those two girls are fine as hell" Jason said.

I rolled my eyes and put away the binoculars.

"You're hopeless" I said to him. "I was just looking, I'm not gonna actually go up to them and ask for their numbers" he explained. "Isn't that a little...I don't know, stupid" I replied to him. "How so?" he asked me. "Hey can I get your number, random girl that doesn't even know what I look like under this helmet" I said. "Okay you're right" he replied to me. "I know I am" I said.

We left our location and went somewhere else.

Y/n's POV 

"It's getting late, I should start heading home" I said to Vera before letting go of her. "Y/n wait" she grabbed onto my hand. "Will I see you again?" she asked. "Probably not at a party, but I'll be there, you'll know" I winked at her. 

A small tint of pink appeared on her face. I couldn't help but smile. It was really cute but I wasn't looking for someone to date.

 As I left the building, it got very cold and all I wanted to do was go home, unfortunately I wouldn't go straight home. I felt like I was being watched and followed so every now and then I'd look behind me and see nothing. I did that one last time before a man appeared in front of me. I wasn't able to get a good look at him because everything happened so quickly. I got hit pretty hard and then a scent caused me to pass out. I couldn't recall anything after that, but I wasn't scared for some reason.

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