Chapter 13 - The Climb

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Once we get to the hiking location, I gently wake Hailee up and we grab all our gear.

Griffin: Alrighty, so, we'll probably get to the top at around 12pm, and we can grab lunch at the restaurant up top.

Y/N: Sounds good.

I grab Hailee's hand and we start walking up the trail. On the way up, we stop a few times to enjoy the beautiful view. Hailee and I take some selfies and of course we had to take a family photo.

It starts to rain halfway up so I give my jacket to Hailee. As the rain gets more intense, I start to think. Should I put off the proposal? Or would proposing in the rain be cool. I decide to keep going forward with the proposal.

As we get to the top, the rain starts to clear and there is a bright coloured rainbow across the sky. Griffin had snuck me the ring already so I take Hailee up to the mountain edge.

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