Chapter 11 - The Media

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After we finish filming the Avengers movie, I release another album. Now under my music credits, I have

The 5 One Direction Albums and 2 solo albums
1. Streets of gold
2. Walls

Now I'm at a interview to promote my album.

Interviewer: Alright Y/N, so, we have a question for you. Recently in the media, there is a conspiracy.

Y/N: A conspiracy?

Int.: Yeah, there's this picture going around. Of you and your "friend"

The interviewer says doing air quotes.

Int.: Hailee Steinfeld out. People believe you two are dating. Is this true?

Y/N: Well, I think the media should just respect the privacy of people and not assume things.

Int.: Dodging questions I see! How about this. Your former Bandmate went onto a podcast and said some things. Do you have a response?

Y/N: Look, all I can say is that my bandmates and I, we're all extremely proud of what we've done.

After the interview. I went home and complained to Hailee about the questions.

I get a text on my phone from Zayn, a good friend and a former bandmates.


Yo, what are these
articles about? Is the
media trying to stir shit?

I open the links Zayn sent me. One titled Y/N Y/L/N makes rare comment about the band One Direction. The other article is titled Y/N Y/L/N dating co-star Hailee Steinfeld

I message Zayn back


I swear, the media only
likes to stir shit.

If the media comments
about my life, I'm gonna
fire back

Do it

Since Hailee is currently at an interview for her new season of Dickinson, Griffin and I take this opportunity to go out to the mall.

We get there and immediately look at the jewelry stores. After 2 hours of searching, I finally found the perfect one. The perfect ring.

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