Chapter 1

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(This is my first story, so its probably going to suck.   Please give me your input on this part so far.  Updates will be slow due to having school.)

* thoughts *

In a world where all females have a special power called a quirk, males were treated as trash and were only used for breeding. 

In an apartment in Musutafu, Japan, we have a 4 year old boy with freckles shaped as diamonds with green emerald eyes and black and green bushy hair.  This boy is Izuku Midoriya, a hero fanboy who always dreamed of being a hero, but couldn't due to a lack of a quirk. 

But lately, he has been having a lot of pain around his body for an unknown reason.  There were also instances where his skin grew pale, nails grew longer, and he grew fangs and became animalistic.  So he and his mom, Inko Midoriya, decided to go to a quirk doctor to check if these were a sign of a quirk or if he had a weird birth defect.

Doctor: Mrs. Midoriya, your up.

The doctor called for the Midoriya duo and they followed the doctor to the examination room.

Doctor: OK,, I will now take a blood sample and take an x-ray test to if your son has a quirk.  *Even though he probably doesn't have one.*

Inko: ok doctor, go on Izuku.

She said a very comforting manner.  Izuku then followed the doctor to room, even though our green bean was shaking with fear.

After the exam:

Doctor: ok, the exams are done and * I can't believe this is real* your son actually has a quirk.

She said with so much shock that even the Midoriyas were surprised.

Inko: wait, are you sure my son has a quirk?  Males don't have quirks.

Doctor: that's what I thought as well, but through the exams, I saw a quirk gene in his DNA and he has only one joint, as seen in his x-ray.

The Midoriyas were still shocked from the news.  But that shock turned into happiness and Inko's son can now pursue his dream.

Inko: You hear that Izuku.  You can be a hero with that quirk of yours.

Izuku: Thanks mom, but I have a question?

The doctor and Inko were caught off guard by Izuku's question what.

Doctor: what is it?

Izuku: what is my quirk?

Doctor: your quirk is beast transformation.  You are able to transform any part of your body into a beast body part.  The drawback of your quirk is if you do a full body transformation, you may lose control of your body depending on what beast you use.

Izuku was so happy that he got a cool quirk that he started to dance around a little.  Inko and the doctor were just smiling and izuku's actions.  Izuku stopped after he remembered he had another question/request.

Izuku: Wait, am I the first male to have a quirk?

Doctor: Yes you are, and it is miracle.

Izuku: are you able to mark me as qurikless?

His request lefts the adults in complete shock.  Why did he want to be classified as qurikless?

Doctor and Inko: Why do you want to be marked as qurikless?

Izuku: I don't want to make friends just because I have a quirk. And I also don't want to be targeted all because I'm the first male to get a quirk.

The adults were not only stunned by his reasons, but also understood the danger he could be in.

Doctor: that does make sense when you put like that.* this kid is smart. I didn't even think of the danger he'd be in*

The adults decides to accept izukus reasons and marked him down as qurikless.  After the visit, Izuku and Inko drove back to their apartment, mostly talking about izukus quirk and he will train and all of that. 

Little do they know that this will take a turn for the worst.

( thanks for reading my first story.  If you have any questions or request, comment and I will try to answer and do what you request.  I will try to update as much as possible, but school will not let me do that too much.  See ya!)

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