Chapter 4

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( I have decided to do an Izuku x Yui ship.)

Izuku's POV:

I hear Mic counting down to start the exam.

Mic: 3...2...1

Izuku:* beast breathing 8th form*

The gates started to open and I was the first to go

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The gates started to open and I was the first to go.

No one's POV:


At blinding speed, Izuku left everyone in the dust and immediately started to mow down the robots.

???: hey that's cheating, he should be disqualified.

Mic: He has the right idea, there are no countdowns in a fight. GO GO GO.

After that, everyone then started to run in and try to grab some points.

We see our MC mowing down the robots with minimum effort. He then see a group of 3 5-pointers, 3 2-pointers and 8 1-pointers.

Izuku: Beast breathing, 2nd fang, slice

He jumped in the air and he delivered an x-shaped slash using both his swords, destroying all robots

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He jumped in the air and he delivered an x-shaped slash using both his swords, destroying all robots.

Izuku: okay, that's 70 points, and I still have 5 minutes to go. Maybe I should try and help others.

Meanwhile in a dark room:

We see a group of pro heroes watching the exams inside a dark room with many monitors. Along with them there are also some recommended students.

???: we have a fine batch of new heroes this year.

Said a rat, mouse whatever the hell he is.

???: yes we do Nezu. I see some using brute force to rack up points * points to a girl with spiky ash blonde hair with red eyes*.

Commented a girl with blonde hair and looks like a skeleton.

Nezu: You are right about that All Might. Who do you have your eyes on Aizawa?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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