Chapter 3

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Time skip: 11 years later, U.A entrance

We are 4 figures standing in front of the entrance of the entrance exam.

The first is a young boy of average height with fairly tanned skin and an athletic, muscular physique. He has ruffled, black hair with burgundy tips, combed back to expose his forehead, and wide, dark red eyes with white pupils that appear lighter around the lower section of his irises. He also has a scar on the top left of his forehead. He is wearing a pair of black sweatpants along with a green with black stripes t-shirt. Along that he is also wearing a green and black checkered haori.

The second is a young boy of average height with fair skin and downward-sloped, scared-looking eyes that fade from soft brown to gold. He has short, yellow hair of varying lengths, cutting off squarely at the ends where it fades to a darker orange color, that falls in front of his face in uneven bangs, loosely resembling a bowl cut. He is also wearing a pair of black sweatpants, but he has a white t-shirt and a yellow and white lightning patterned haori.

The third is a petite young girl with fair skin, visibly large, prominent fangs, and sharp, stiletto nails with a base color of light pink and ombre fading to a red-pinkish color at the end where they point. Her hair is long, black, and wavy. It reaches just below her waist, turning a flame-orange color as it passes her elbows, and appears to be crimped into large, straight ridges, worn side-swept drastically to her left. She has soft-looking, pale pink eyes that appear a lighter color around the rims of their irises, slanted downward toward the sides of her face and framed by notably long eyelashes. She also is wearing a orange sweatpants with a pink t-shirt.

( I looked up the appearances because I suck ass at describing a character's appearance.)

The last person has a boar head mask on his head. They have a muscular build for their age and are wearing brown sweatpants with a white t-shirt. While the boys brought katanas to the exam, the girl didn't.

???: Are guys ready for the exam?

The burgundy haired boy asked his fellow friends.


The girl and boar head shouted in unison.

???: *in a scared tone*I-I-I don't know a-a-about this Tanjiro. I'm pretty n-n-nervous and s-s-s-scared.

Tanjiro: Oh come on Zenitsu, you'll do fine in the exam. There is nothing to be worried about.

The yellow haired boy we know as Zenitsu calmed down a bit after hearing the burgundy haired boy's, also known as Tanjiro, words.

???: Brother, what do you think the exam will be about?

The girl asked her brother, Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: I'm not sure, but I heard it was destroying robots.

???: *excited tone* well what are we waiting for? Let's go now.

Tanjiro: alright alright. Jeez you don't have to rush Izuku, we still have 10 minutes till the exam starts.

The boar head now known as Izuku has now calmed down from his excitement.

Izuku: fine, but let's go so we get early seats ( I really hope your here Mimi).

They all agreed and started to walk into the building. While walking, they noticed that every girl is watching them and giving off disgusted looks.

???: arghh, I really want to pound everyone's head on the ground everything they look at you guys like that.

Tanjiro: Calm down Nezuko. You know how society is, and we are trying to fix it by being the first male heroes.

The girl, now known as Nezuko, huffed out of annoyance of the situation and decided to ignore.

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