Chapter 2

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(If you guys want me to ship Izuku, comment who I should ship him with.  I have a few ideas, but I wanna hear your thoughts.)

At the Midoriyas apartment:

A few days after finding out about his quirk, Izuku was contemplating on whether he should tell his best friend, Katsumi Bakugo, about his quirk. 

He knew the dangers if word got out that a male has a quirk.  He would be the prime target of all heros, but he would mostly be seeked out by the villains. 

After struggling to find a solution, he decided to go ask his mom on what he should do.  He walked down stairs and sees his mom sitting on the couch.

Izuku: mom, I have a question.

Inko: what is it sweetie?

Izuku: do you know if it's ok If I tell Katsumi that I have a quirk?

Inko was a bit surprised by his question.  On one hand, she trusts that katsumi can keep the quirk a secret.  On the other hand, she doesn't want to risk the chance of there being eavesdroppers in the area.  In the end she came up with a solution that works for both the Midoriyas.

Inko: How about we invite Mitsuki and Katsumi to dinner and we explain to them the situation, how does that sound?

Izuku was beaming with joy at the idea and he immediately agreed. 

During dinner:

The Bakugo's have arrived at the Midoriya apartment and were by Inko at the door.

Mitsuki: It's so nice of you to invite us to dinner Inko.

Inko: *in a happy tone* Thank you Mitsuki.  *In a serious tone* But another reason I invited you two was for a very important reason regarding Izuku.

Katsumi: I heard that Icchan had some skin problems.  Is about that?

Inko: yes it is sweetie.  I'll call Izuku down here. You two can wait at the couch.

Inko let them in the apartment and she then went to Izuku's room to get him.  After calling him for dinner, he came out to greet the Bakugo's. 

Izuku: Hello auntie, hello Mimi, how are you?

Mitsuki/Katsumi: We are good Izuku/Icchan, how about you?

Izuku: I am good too

He said it as he flashes his signature smile.  After that, they had dinner.  While they were eating,

Mitsuki: So Inko, what exactly happened to Izuku?

Inko: Since this was a weird skin condition and I didn't what to do, so I took him to a qurik doctor.

Mitsuki:*sigh* Inko, you already know that males don't have quirks. What made you think that was a good idea?

Inko: as I said, this was an unknown skin condition and I wanted to make sure it was a quirk.

Katsumi: *I know what the doctor said, but I won't leave you by yourself Icchan* So what did the doctor say?

Inko: *in a low voice* he has a quirk

Mitsuki/Katsumi: what?

Inko: He has a quirk.

Both Mitsuki and Katsumi were shocked at the news.  There was never a boy with a quirk before, but now there is one.  But they still weren't buying it.

Mitsuki: are sure the doctor wasn't playing a prank on you to boost your hope?

Inko anticipated this question so she asked the doctor for a copy of izuku's
quirk as proof. So she hands Mitsuki the paper and she read it out loud.

After reading it, the Bakugo's were now shocked that this wasn't a prank.

Mitsuki: That's amazing that you have a quirk Izuku, and a strong one at that.

Katsumi: * goes and hugs Izuku*  I am so happy, we can both be heroes now.

Izuku: Thanks auntie and Mimi, but there was one more thing mommy forgot to add.

Mitsuki/Katsumi: *confused* what else is there?

Inko: in Izuku's official record, he will be quirkless.

Now they were confused.  Why would they mark him as quirkless if he has a quirk?

Mitsuki:* in an annoyed tone*  why would you do that?  What if he tries to get into a hero school and can't due to his file?

Izuku:  the reason is because you've seen what females do too males.  Since I'm the first male with a quirk, not only will people be friends with me because of my quirk, but girls will only use for fame and other unholy acts.

After saying this, the Bakugo's started to understand his predicament and decided to keep quiet.

Katsumi: Don't worry Icchan.  I will protect.  I know everyone will bully you because your a boy, so I want to help and keep you safe.

Everyone at the table were shocked at Katsumi's statement.  The silence was broken by Izuku saying,

Izuku: thank you Mimi.  I appreciate you helping me out.  Oh, by the way, on the topic of quirks, what was your quirk?

Katsumi:* with a smile and popping explosions on her palm* it's called explosion.  I can make explosions on my hands.


Katsumi: Thanks Icchan.

The adults were just smiling at the two's interaction.  After was done, they all decided to go home and go to bed. 

(Thanks for reading, I hope you liked this part.)

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