The Races

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It was the end of September. Fall was slowly dawning on us. I had started school a couple weeks ago, and it was the big day of the races. Now, nobody exactly knew who was riding Shasta in the race, except for me and Pa. Joe kept thinking it was Jenny or Adam, but Adam denied it to both. Pa had made some requests to the people in charge of the races, and made it allowed that women were allowed to race. Nobody knew this though, except for me and Jenny. And pa of course. I rode Shasta into town, making sure I would save her energy, so I rode her slowly.

"I still want to know who is riding her." Joe huffed as we got into town.

"You'll see." I said as I patted Shasta's neck. We dismounted and I took Shasta to where all the racers got ready to mount. I saw Jenny proudly trotting Golden Sun in circles. He shook his head proudly, and let out a whinny. Shasta answered back. I patted her neck as I mounted.

"Wait a minute!" Joe gasped, seeing Jenny on Golden and me on Shasta.

"Pa got them to let women ride in the race!" I grinned as started walking Shasta in circles.

"5 minutes till the race! Start lining up you're horses!" The announcer yelled. I walked Shasta up to the starting line. She stood there quietly till the other prancing started lining up, shaking their heads and rearing on their riders. She shook her head, pawing at the ground.

"Shhh, it's okay." I said, patting her neck. I pulled back on the reins as she wanting to burst forward. I could the want for speed underneath me as she reared up on her hind legs.

"Get ready..." The announcer yelled. I quieted Shasta down, pulling back on the bit.

"And go!" The announcer fired the gun. I dug my heels into her side as she burst forward. She took the lead almost instantly, but was heavily overtook by Golden Sun and another horse. I didn't make her run all her energy out. I held her back so she wouldn't pass them. We galloped around the cross let led outside of town. She tried running faster, but I kept her at the slow gallop. We rounded a turn and then had to jump over a small creek. I didn't know how she would take it, but she leaped into the air and tucked her hind feet behind her as she jumped it.

"Good girl!" I said, patting her neck. We could distantly see the home stretch, and I tried loosing my grip on the reins. She burst forward, gaining on the two horses. She past the black horse quickly, and came up neck and neck with her father.

"Come on Shasta, run! Run!" I encouraged more, putting my hands up and holding onto her mane. She leaped forward, flying past her sire.

"Go, go, go!" I yelled with glee as the finish line approached faster and faster. We breezed past it. I started slowing her down, turning her and looking at the cheering crowd.

"Good girl, good girl!" I said, putting my arms around her neck and giving her a hug. I dismounted and led her to the water trough so she could drink as the other horses flew past up.

"And the winner, Maggie Cartwright on her beautiful filly, Shasta!" The announcer yelled. I smiled, patting her neck.

"Congratulations!" Joe said, running up to us.

"She was wonderful! Oh I can't believe she outran Golden Sun!" I exclaimed.

"Well, she did. She's the best race horse I've ever seen." Pa said, giving her rump a nice pat.

"Good job, Maggie. You earned it." Jenny said with a wink as she walked past, leading Golden Sun.

"Thanks!" I said with a smile.

"You better go claim you're prize. I'll look after her." Hoss said as he approached.

"Oh yea." I said. I quickly ran up onto the wooden platform and was handed a beautiful black saddle with a matching breast collar and headstall.

"Thank you so much!" I said before walking off the platform.

"Wow, this is so pretty!" I gasped, running my hand over the black leather with silver carvings on it.

"It sure it pretty. It would make Cochise look very handsome." Joe chuckled.

"No, not happening Joe. I won this, it's mine!" I huffed.

"I helped you win Shasta! If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have her!" Joe reasoned.

"You're still not using my tack!" I laughed.

"Gee, what a great thanks I get." He sighed. We laughed at him, and soon he joined in with the laughter.

"Well, in my opinion, you definitely deserved it!" Pa said, patting my shoulder. I smiled up at my brothers, then to Shasta. She looked at me, as if she were smiling at me to. I had to admit, I had the best family ever.

Maggie Cartwright: Book 2 Man In The Window Where stories live. Discover now