chapter 9 : Neutral point of view

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The meeting continued until late in the evening in a mixed atmosphere. Vegas had to ensure the representation of the interests of the secondary family in each of the cases to be handled, while trying to control their anguish and their anger.

His anguish: that of not succeeding in accomplishing what his father Gun expects of him. 

His anger: that of always having to assume everything. 

The fact that his father left him alone to manage relations with the main family irritates him greatly. He was also intimidated by the number of peer eyes that landed on him. Pete's and Porsche's didn't leave him for the duration of the meeting and even during the breaks, the two bodyguards couldn't help but stare at him with an evil and contemptuous look. If he could have ripped their heads off, Vegas would have done it without hesitation. But sometimes you have to be wise and cool. Vegas is not dumb. He wouldn't have had the advantage over them, his Uncle Korn and Kinn around.

The first appreciates all the bodyguards who work for him even if he has his preferences: Pete and Porsche. They appreciate them for their gentleness and their devotion to the notion of family. It is related to them but in completely different ways. For Pete, it was simply saving his life. For Porsche it is for other things, something more twisted, vicious and calculating. Yes, that's what Mr. Korn T. is: Calculator, strategic, observant and pragmatic. For him, life is a game of chess. It's either you win or you lose. It's either victory or defeat. There is no middle ground. Korn knows this, otherwise why would he always win at chess every time he plays with Chan, his personal bodyguard.

The second is more cold and reserved than his father Korn. He is desperately in love with Pete but has to live away from him for the moment because his brother Tangkun is watching him very closely. When the argument with Gun broke out, he wondered if it was wise to intervene on behalf of his older brother. After all, he could have ended up in the hospital and thus, he would have had the free path to be able to conquer Pete and his heart, all with the sage advice that Porsche had whispered to him just yesterday. What Kinn doesn't know is that while he's hatching a strategy in his head to win Pete's heart, Porsche is willing to do so whenever he feels like it.

Tankhun and Kim, meanwhile, barely spoke. They served more as decorations than anything else. It was especially Kinn, Korn and Vegas who still discussed them, the youngest and the oldest of the Theerapanyakul   brothers, supporting or not the words they said. Tankhun was usually talkative but the argument with Gun disturbed him somewhat. Those who usually never argue...

Kim, on the other hand, is not silent out of shock, unlike Tankhun, but out of interest. It was for his focus and observation on his father Korn that he hardly opened his mouth. Well it's not just that of course: Chay occupied most of his thoughts. We can't blame him, Chay is to die for! But when thinking of Chay, Kim also thinks of Porsche and the odd bond he might have with his father Korn. Kim kept eying the handsome, tall, slender figure of Kinn's bodyguard.

Speaking of Porsche, the latter does not complain at all about its situation. Being next to Pete, even when he is working, is an extreme pleasure. Maybe after this day he can have some fun with it ?

But..."in moderation", his conscience told him. Kinn is in love with Pete, it wouldn't be about getting between them... 

but "and why not?" tells him his impulses...

Kinn may be in love with Pete but nothing stops him, Porsche from wanting to have fun with his roommate. Just because Porsche, in his kindness, gave Kinn advice on how to improve his relationship with Pete, doesn't mean he's going to give  Pete to him so easily.

One for two? Not quite because, often, there are never two without three...

In any case, Pete isn't looking for a serious relationship right now because he doesn't think he has the mental strength to commit to something that might not work out. He does not want to suffer unnecessarily and if you get too attached, you end up hurting yourself. This is his favorite quote after "No legacy is so rich as honesty.", which he got tattooed on his hip.

But although Pete is enjoying Porsche's company more and more and doesn't really think about how Kinn may feel about him, it's not yet decided. Of course he knows how much Kinn likes him but the fact that he is one of his bosses puts him in great embarrassment and also, he does not believe Kinn is serious in a relationship. He has always chained relationships without a future, just like him. 

Why would Kinn want to be serious now? The answer :  Everything can change. Pete doesn't believe Kinn can ever be a serious person in a relationship but...what if it could happen? 

Kinn probably thinks he's found his soul mate...could he be wrong?

 Maybe Kinn thinks Pete is his soulmate, that Pete is in total denial and doesn't realize how much Kinn could change for him...


Hi people!Here is my first chapter with a neutral point of view! I hope you like it, if you want more, let me know! Follow me for more content!

Instagram: bibluidship

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