Chapter 23: Neutral POV

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Porsche returned to Pete, Big and Vegas the same afternoon and was the one who traveled the most back and forth between the main family house and the minor family house. He kept reporting Vegas and Gun's family situation to Korn, yet never found an opportunity to fulfill the instructions he asked of him: to find physical evidence that Vegas was beat. Porsche knows how to do it: there is only one way for him to see Vegas naked, it is to fuck with it but how to do it when the two of them don't like each other and they are both dominant male ? That is the question.

Porsche could ask Pete to do it for him? Absolutely not either. It is inconceivable. First, because Pete is his best friend and it's out of the question for him to give him as pasture to a being as hostile as he deems Vegas to be. Second, because it's something Kinn will never forgive him for. He must therefore manage on his own... or else wait for the Universe to give him the opportunity to fulfill his mission.

The first week of the camouflage mission passes in a boring monotony and Porsche would have killed himself if he had not been able to live it with a sexual partner as devoted as Pete, always there to spice up his life when he asks for it. This is how between a few business meetings and a few work sessions on the illegal business of racing cars and motorbikes, Porsche fucked Pete on numerous occasions either in their bedroom, in the hallways of the house. of the minor family, in the office of Vegas, when this one was not there and that he had to abstain to regulate some unforeseen problems or still when he was going to see Macao.

At every hour of the day, of the night, Pete let himself be ridden, manipulated, dismantled, fucked and dominated at times. His body has a few handcuff marks, a few scratches made with fingernails, hickeys, bite marks and... well, you get the idea. Porsche totally let loose on Pete and Pete gave himself totally to Porsche, as usual.

Big, About him, did not stop thinking about Chan. He misses him deeply and this week with the minor family has exhausted him mentally and physically. The work days are intense and he wonders how Vegas manages to maintain such a high work rate. For him, it is not normal that it is up to him to do everything. He watched Gun during the seven days he stayed with the miner family and all he can say is that the father isn't struggling at all like the son. In fact it's very simple: Vegas does everything. Gun does nothing. Another proof of paternal abuse of authority.

Over the days spent with Vegas, Big has never ceased to question himself, in relation to his behavior vis-à-vis Vegas and the past that binds them. Pete's words kept ringing in his head and he became aware of the wisdom of his words. Although he has a memory of the attempted rape Vegas made against him, Big is willing to make behavioral efforts to get along better with Vegas.


the most chaotic being, the one who is unloved, the one who carries on his shoulders a traumatized and traumatizing past and present, the one who is mentally, verbally and physically abused but also the most robust, the one who resists the weather of his life, who fights against his father and himself, the one who does not know how to express his emotions but who tries, the one who does not know how to love but who tries...

kept thinking about Pete and the purity of his mind. If he is the dark, then Pete is the light. They are total opposites and yet Vegas envy them more than anything. To have no more parents is his ultimate dream, it would be the ultimate blessing he could receive from the Gods. Yet they don't seem to hear his prayers, his incessant demands to have Gun killed and sent to Hell for the rest of Eternity.

If only things could be that simple, he thinks... If only... he didn't have the life he has... but if he didn't have the life he has ...would it be as strong as it is now? Thorny question that has no answer... All the choices he made have led him to where he is. Abandoned or resist?

Give up to prove Gun right? Never.Resist for Macau? Absolutely.

Macao is the center of its life, as Chay is the center of Porsche's life. The little brothers are the precious jewels of the big brothers, precious stones that must be taken care of so that the light of their souls is not extinguished in the darkness of Darkness.

To save him, to save himself, to save them, Vegas knows he has to let things be, that he has to trust every part of Korn's plan to save him and his brother. Sooner or later, Gun will get the return of Karma he deserves after committing all the atrocities he has committed.Everything ends up being paid for, and that at any time in life. No one is forgotten.

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