Chapter 105 : reunion and final revelation

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Neutral POV

After hours of fierce fighting, Korn's troops, under the command of General Kao, finally manage to push back the Tiger's Eye forces. The forest, where the fierce battle had taken place, is now littered with the bodies of the defeated enemies. The dust and smoke of the fighting slowly dissipate, giving way to a disturbing but liberating silence.

The allied soldiers, although exhausted and bruised, gather around Vegas and Pete, ensuring the safety of the two men and consolidating their victory. Eyes, marked by fatigue but also relief, turn to General Kao, who is supervising the final evacuation.

Pete and Vegas fainted from exhaustion as soon as the fighting ended and Korn's victory over Tiger's Eye was officially declared. The volunteer soldiers carry them in their arms and follow General Kao's movement. Although visibly overwhelmed by the loss of Chan, the general keeps a firm gaze. He coordinates the final moves to ensure that the wounded are taken care of and the road to the evacuation is clear.

After about thirty minutes of hard walking through the devastated forest, the group finally arrives at the main road, the landscape of which is just as tragic. The roadway is lined with corpses, silent remnants of the intensity of the fighting that has taken place.

The evacuation vehicles, already waiting at the edge of the forest, are now surrounded by a team of medics and soldiers who work with desperate efficiency to transfer Vegas and Pete to a place of safety. The wounded are quickly taken care of, while the medical teams work to stabilize their condition for transport to Korn headquarters.

General Kao coordinates the troop movements to secure the road and ensure the evacuations go smoothly. Allied troops continue to clear the area and kill the last henchmen of the Tiger Eye.

As for Korn, he turned around to return to his headquarters, in order to prepare for the arrival of Vegas and Pete in intensive care. He is seized by a sense of urgency when he arrives. The complex is buzzing, each member of the team congratulated each other for the good work accomplished before preparing to welcome Vegas and Pete and ensure their immediate medical care. The operating rooms are ready, the surgical teams are waiting, ready to intervene if necessary.

Satisfied, Korn quickly heads to the command room where Tankhun and Kim are waiting for him. Their faces tense when they see Korn's expression, a mixture of fatigue and satisfaction.

Although tested by recent events, their father displays a victorious smile.

- They are safe.

Tankhun, overwhelmed by a wave of relief and happiness, lets his emotion burst forth. Tears of joy flow freely down his cheeks as he finally releases the pressure built up over weeks of intense tracking and extreme tension. The news that Vegas and Pete are on their way and will soon be safe rekindles his determination to provide them with the best possible care.

He turns to Kim, who shares the same euphoria. In a burst of gratitude and joy, Tankhun wraps Kim in a warm embrace.

-We did it! Everything we fought for was worth it.

Kim, her eyes shining with happiness, hugs him back with genuine tenderness. He lets out a sigh of relief, knowing that the horrors of Laos are finally behind them. The prospect of reuniting with Chay and the rest of the family in a more peaceful environment gives him immense comfort.

-I can't wait to go home and be reunited with everyone.

Tankhun, regaining his composure, stares at Kim with a serious expression.

- We still have work to do to make sure Vegas and Pete get the best care possible. Once they're stabilized, we can defeat Tiger Eye once and for all and celebrate our final victory.

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