Chapter 4

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All credit to BlackLynx17 on



Chapter 4.

To say that Lucy was having a bad day was an understatement. First off she wakes up with the most killer headache in the world. Secondly she learns that she smoked up her last pack of cigarettes yesterday, third was when she couldn't sneak out any drinks since Ms. Supetto was in the kitchen this morning and lastly was how she had to walk to school in a winkled uniform. She wasn't having a bad day, she was having a fucked up one.

As soon as Lucy had entered her first period class she sat at her desk and laid her head down, silently listening to her classmates conversations.

"Hey gorgeous" Bora said sitting down in his seat.

Lucy lifted up her head and nodded at him.

"You look depressed, but I know just what will cheer you up" Bora said digging in his pocket and placing a brand new pack of cigarettes on Lucy's desk. Lucy's hand extended and grabbed the pack holding it up to her face.

"Oh my god Bora I love you" she said kissing her pack.

What the fuck was Natsu listening to? Gray looked at his rival's hands and saw he was gripping his desk way to hard.

"It's impolite to ease drop you know" Gray told his rival.

"Shut up!" Natsu yelled.

He didn't give a shit about anything right now. His theory must have been correct about them dating. She just straight up said she loved him in front of all the students. Why was he feeling like this? He didn't understand why Lucy could love that druggie and not him.

"Remember what Erza said, give her space" Gray said.

Natsu snorted. "Yeah right you know your listening in too" he said and turned his attention back to Lucy.

Once again Natsu was correct about the spiky haired boy.

"Thank you so much Bora, now only if Jellal could give me back my drink today then life would be perfect" Lucy told her friend stashing her pack safely away in her side pocket.

"I got a solution to that too. My friends throwing a party today come with" Bora said.

"No" Lucy answered immediately.

The class had grown silent seeing as Mr. Atsuki had walked into his room, all but two who didn't seem to even notice his presences.

"And why not?" Bora asked.

"I don't feel like going to a half assed party or feel like being arrested today" Lucy said plain and simple.

"Half assed? Arrested?" Bora repeated.

"That's right half assed. Your going to invite all these people to a little ass house and party so loudly that the neighbors are going to call the cops. They'll come before the party hits midnight and then everyone will scramble, trying to escape. You know I can't run while I'm under the influence so I'll be the first one who gets caught then go to jail. After that I'll have to wait for my Dear Daddy Dearest to come pick me up and hear this long ass lecture and I don't want to deal with that today" Lucy said finishing her speech.

Mr. Atsuki couldn't believe what his two students were talking about. Hadn't they notice his presence when he walked into the room? Everyone else has and ended their conversations. He wasn't about to let the two of them carry on any longer.

"Ms. Heartfilia" he said.

"Even if Faust's is playing?" Bora asked in an amused tone.

This peaked Lucy's interests. "Your fucking me" she said.

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