Chapter 35

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All credit to BlackLynx17 on



Chapter 35.

"What's with the scarf?" Lucy asked her boyfriend.

"What this?" Natsu asked holding up the white scaled scarf around his neck.

Lucy nodded.

"Oh well I thought I could wrap this around the both of us and cuddly, maybe exchange a kiss or two" Natsu said.

Lucy took a big step back. Natsu only smiled and laughed.

"I was kidding, but I'm hurt at your reaction" he laughed.

Lucy sighed in relief and went to sit at her usual spot, against the gate. Wendy had decided to stay home today to watch Charle so it was just Lucy and him today. Natsu stopped laughing and sat next to Lucy, laying his head down on her lap.

"It was a gift from my Father. I thought since the occasion was right that I should wear it" he told her.

"Much better" Lucy nodded in approval.

"Just you wait though, on a snowy day I promise you we're going to be sharing this scarf" Natsu told her.

Lucy smirked. "Challenge accepted" she told him.

"...Lucy I love you" Natsu said out of the blue.

Lucy didn't respond. She hated when Natsu said that. Not because she hated being loved by him, on the contrary she found it quite nice, only because she couldn't say anything back. Lucy didn't love Natsu. Yes he was her boyfriend but that didn't mean she immediately had to love him. Lucy hadn't believed in love until recently. She thought she could learn to love him but until that happens Lucy was stuck to stay silent every time he told her it. Either that or kiss him.

"It's alright... I know. One day though, your going to be saying those words back" he said.

Lucy smiled. "One day" she muttered.



"Erza" Jellal muttered.

He leaned towards his girlfriend hoping for a kiss, but he met her hand.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

He was having his doubts now. The only time they kissed was when he first got arrested. Until then they've only been hand holding. Was she still mad at him?

"Nothing" Erza said looking away.

"Don't you love me?" Jellal asked.

Had the arrest change her feelings about him? Jellal could understand, Jellal would understand. He wasn't going to force his love into this kind of situation with him.

"Of course I do!" she yelled out.

"Then what's the matter?" he asked.

Erza started down at her shoes, too embarrassed to look him in the eye.

"The last time we kissed, you were taken away from me" she said.

Jellal stared at her. "And?" he pressed.

"And... I'm afraid it'll happen again" she mumbled.

Jellal chuckled lightly. He'd never thought he'd say these words to her.

"Your so silly" he said.

Erza looked up with a bemused expression. "Silly?" she repeated.

Jellal nodded. He looked left, then he looked right.

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