Chapter 49

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All credit to BlackLynx17 on



Chapter 49.

Twitch. He heard bottles clanking together. Another twitch; movement of the left leg. More bottles sounds, louder this time. Natsu opened his eyes, he saw the wooden floor with empty beer bottles and plastic cups everywhere. The weirdest thing was that everything looked sideways. His head was screaming out to him, so was his stomach. He laid on the floor for another good 10 minutes before attempting to get up. With shaky arms he placed both hands on the floor and pushed.

Blood came rushing to his head and he fell back down. Natsu waited another 10 minutes before he tried again. It was simpler this time; he was able to stand on all fours before leaning up on his knees. Natsu had no memories of what had happened last night until he started looking around the place. So many cups and bottles, so many passed out people on the floor. His eyes continued to scan until he saw Lucy sitting on a couch with a bottle in hand. Gajeel was sitting next to her wearing a pair of sunglasses.

One step at a time Natsu thought as he stood up with one foot, then the other. Once standing, it took Natsu a while to be able to grip how to walk again. His legs felt like jello underneath him but he still tried to take one step, then another. Lucy's head looked up when she heard Natsu's silent curses.

"... Bathroom is that way" Lucy said pointing to the left.

Natsu looked at her questionably. He wanted to head towards her not the... his hands rushed quickly to his mouth.

"Fuck, I'm going to need to borrow this Gajeel" Lucy said grabbing the bucket that was in his lap.

She walked over to Natsu and handed it to him just in time for him to puke his brains out. Lucy sat back down on the couch and stared at the half empty bottle in her hands. Natsu was the last one to wake up; now they could all finally leave... once they were done vomiting their insides.


Natsu's gang were all together now, all of them leaning against something.

"Who wants to come over my house so their parents won't know what they've been doing all night?" Lucy asked.

Her friends hands shot up.

"Then someone find Zero, we're going to borrow his car for a while" Lucy said kicking over the body beside her.

The gang slowly moved around searching for the person in question. Lisanna found him passed out behind the bar; she rolled him over and dug in his pockets for his keys.

"Got them!" Lisanna yelled.

"SHH! Not so loud" Levy said holding her pounding head.

Lucy stood up and walked over to Lisanna.

"How many of you need a bucket?" Lucy asked.

Yet again all hands went up.


It was over. It was all finally over. Lucy's drinking days were behind her. Why had she started drinking in the first place? Lucy looked down at the still half empty beer bottle between her legs.

It was because of her Mother. Lucy drank to numb the pain, she drank to forget... what would she do now though? She couldn't drink, she couldn't take her pills, she couldn't take drugs, she couldn't party. How was she suppose to escape the pain? By cutting herself? No, she wasn't that weak. Lucy looked up and into the rearview mirror. She saw her friends all passed out in the back, buckets only inches away from their heads.

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