Chapter 3

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All credit to BlackLynx17 on



Chapter 3.

"Where's my bottle?" Lucy asked as she saw Jellal walked in.

He dug in his bag and pulled out the bottle, passing it to her. Lucy grabbed it and pulled down the bag; she looked at the drink level.

"Dude it's almost empty" she said.

Jellal just smirked and shrugged. Doing the same Lucy downed the rest of it and threw the bottle over the edge.

"You owe me another one" Lucy said.

Jellal walked over to Lucy and laid down next to her. There was a strange silence between the two of them. Neither one spoke a word. After a good ten minutes something happened.

"They have a plan you know" Jellal confessed.

Lucy laid on her side so she could face Jellal and show him how one of her eyebrows went up.

"Oh really? Tell me is it you?" she asked.

If Jellal was their plan it wasn't a very good one. They didn't know that Jellal owed her... twice!

"No. They were going to wait a week before they tried to confront you, let you soak in the area. They hoped it would awaken your memories of them" Jellal spoke.

Lucy snorted. "My memories are fine, what I need is for them to leave me alone" Lucy said.

This was Jellal's chance. If he asked the wrong way it could set her off. He learned valuable information right now, seems she did remember them, she was just pretending not too.

"May I ask why?" Jellal asked.

Lucy eyed Jellal. She knew what he was playing at.

"Let's save the answer for that one when you bring me a new bottle" Lucy said smirking at him.

Jellal lost. Sighing he looked up at the sky. He decided to use his ace in the hole, the same words his love had said to him to make him change.

"Your not alone. If you ever need someone I'll be here" he told her.

This had the opposite effect on the girl. Instead of busting out in tears confessing her problems she started laughing. Jellal watched her laugh so hard tears started coming out her eyes. At least he made her cry. Jellal waited patiently for her to stop laughing.

"Tell me, did you hear that from a movie or soap opera?! Hahaha that's hilarious!" Lucy laughed.

"I actually heard it from a very dear friend of ours" Jellal spoke.

Lucy stopped laughing.

"You mean a dear friend of yours" Lucy corrected.

Why was Lucy so fast to refuse their friendship? Was he missing something? Jellal was really confused. He didn't understand what was wrong with her. He wanted to know, he wanted to help her. Maybe if he helped her Erza would be happy. Maybe if he helped her, it would be an accomplished for him, that for once he did something good for others.

"One last question" Jellal spoke.

"I liked you better when you were silent" Lucy responded.

"Do you consider me a friend?" Jellal asked.

"No, not in the slightest" Lucy said.

"Do you think you could consider me a friend?" he pressed on.

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