chapter 4

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My relationship with amaan has gat to the level of close friends. Alhamdulillah I am grateful to have him as a friend.he has been with me through thin and thick and I have been grateful for this past few months we have really get along, he will check up on me at least everyday.

I woke up feeling down today, like something bad is about to happen buh i can't pinpoint what is it.
I lazily walked out from my room to ammi's, ya jiddarh has went back to their house and same goes to  kausar leaving only me and ammi. times like this I missed my father, I bat my eyelashes to blink back the tears, he's in better place insha Allah. I turned the door knob and entered with a taslim

I glued to where I stand there like a statue seeing what's infront of me
I saw my mother with a tear stricken face, subhanalla
I ran to her and hug her, after she calmed down, I asked her what happened and she burst out crying again. I ran my fingers through my long and silky hair confused

"A'isha"she called out my real name, I became tensed coz ammi only called my real name  in a serious matter
"ur uncle died" she broke the news, I think my world seems to stop
"Inna lillahi wa Inna ilaihi raji'un ammi āyyi khalii?"I asked shocked
"Abuhu kausar"she replied in between sobs.i just sat there  motionless, can't even cry out of sorrow; just listening to my bumping heart in my ribcage.when everything sinks in I  shouted a NOO!!! As I began to cry terribly. I clutch to my mother and cry our hearts out, The way my heart is twitching in pain one can't even describe it with words.
I have lost another father figure again, why is life not being fair to me? Why is my happiness been snatch away whenever I get one??did I not deserve happiness like any other human being on Earth??
Ya Allah see me through with this,I believe in Allah to turn my sorrows into blessings just the way he turned days into nights.

After we have calmed down we take our necessities and drove out to my uncle's residence.

As am taking steady steps towards my aunt's room; with each step i take,I feel like some mountain was drop on my heart because of the pain am feeling hurts a lot to lost someone close to you

I inhaled and exhaled exhaustedly, I'm drained both mentally and emotionally,I turned the door knob and all the people turn to me.just then kausar jumped on me crying hysterically,am feeling for her wollah I know the pain of losing a trying hard to be strong for them but the waterworks betrayed me.

I take heart and consoled them but in no vain. That's the way our days went with full of sorrows, mourning for the death.

After three days

We were all seated in the  living room of my aunt; by we I mean me, ammi, kausar and her siblings and lastly my aunt

Kausar had started adapted to being an orphan, but nevertheless she hadn't been herself though.

I was seated with thousands of questions flooding my mind but none came out of my mouth.

"How did he died mama?" I asked absentmindedly. Everybody muttered an 'uhhh' as to who am I referring

"Whom are you referring to daughter?" Mama asked confused

"My uncle" I curtly replied, am hesitant before replying coz i feel guilty for bringing up the topic

"Sorry you don't have to talk mama, I just blurted out without any reason" I saw how all of the faces there turned gloomy by my stupid talk, I silently  cursed myself internally

" No daughter, u only voiced out  whats on your mind" she assured with a small smile, that's her first smile after three days. I smiled happily coz she starts moving on.

"He informed us abt his trip to Dubai urgently and he has already booked a flight, I ask him abt his pj but he told me he will try something that he do once in a blue moon, that's him  traveling by a public aeroplane."she heaved a sigh, I moved closer to her and gave her hand a slight squeeze

"And after about 2 hours, his secretary called and informed of the tragedy that happened" she sniffed a sob

"What happened to him mama?"I asked confused
" He was involved in a plane crash".
Subhanalla that's how.......some memories came rushing back and I blacked out with my family calling out my name.

Cliffhanger 😂
Hey lovelies
Pls vote nah, sometimes I feel like the book is unwanted and just unpublished it but some good Samaritans vote and even comment (all of u are good, so..... Pls vote)

Pls show some love by voting pls, rn  I will try and update every weekend insha Allah.

Sometimes am even forgetting that am publishing a book😂so by your votes and support perhaps I will be encouraged and start updating often

I feel for kausar and my ibti😢for all of the orphans ,know that your parents are in good place insha Allah. I pray for us to meet in Jannatul firdaus in the hereafter. And may all muslim ummah be in jannah.
So.. I gotta go bye

Allah Hafiz.

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