chapter 7

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We are running helter skelter in my room getting ready for the girls outing we're having with the girls. By we i mean kausar and i.
Khadee as promised planned a girls outing because of me. The day i asked her to come over to my place, she didn't get to come cause her mother was not in town so, she has to stay at home .
As  promised she will make it up to me, she did mean it bcoz she had been calling regularly, texting almost all the time, sending me bouquet of flowers nd chocolate. Who knws dee to be this  romantic

To knw that what she did isn't even a big deal but guess what!? Im the one making fuss out of it. I make the poor girl suffer for no reason, i can be african mom sometimes.

She has even went......

"WHERE DO YOU FREAKING KEPT THE MAKEUP KIT!!" Kausar interrupt my thought by an ear piercing yell.

"Check beneath the dressing mirrow" i glared at her for interrupting before replying.

...As i was saying, she has even went overboard by buying bouquet of flowers. like isn't that a duty of girlfriend or boyfriend when trying to get apology accepted?. Anyways i like her gesture....

"Where the hell did ur mind yode to!" Amani nudge me. How did she came in? By the door ofcourse!, So they've arrived but i haven't notice, typical me!

"Yo girls" the over hyping girls i called friends came in jubiliating, stoping me from replying. For what? That's for me to find out

........but i will make things right...

Darn! What the hell

"Kinyi banza damu koh(u ignoring us right)" iqraar
"Shehiya, what were you thinking abt" maheera added

"She's not ready yet!?" khadee whisper-yelled
"GET UR A** OUTTA HERE THIS INSTANT" and that's inteesar

I squeezed out my self from their covering and gently walked to kausar to stand behind her saying

"Aye aye! Y'll hovering over me yelling, can't u see me busy" i stated putting my lips into a pout

"Yh i can see u're busy thinking of rat killing a horse koh, busy my foot!" amani sarcastically added.

(P.s some part of the chapter will be in third person's pov)

Ibti muttered a warreva before kausar shooed her away into the bathroom. The girls wondered at her silliness and all were wearing a sweet smile, amazed by their friend's silliness that made her loveable.

The girls were gisting amongst themselves waiting for HRH to arrive and made the journey to their outing.
While on the other hand, ibtisaam was having a muscle relaxing bath, while the water washed away all her overwhelmed self. Sighing, she was out with a towel wrapped on her body. Ignoring the girls, she went to the dressing mirrow and sat down and began moisturizing her body with a body lotion absentmindedly. Reminiscing old memories, as overwhelmed as she is, she calmed herself down and bit her lower lip hard then shut her eyes and suppress them hard to blink back the tears. All that, without the girls noticing. She doesn't like her emotional self but rather the jovial one.  So, with that, she went to the closet to get what to wear again ignoring their intent stares. Her mind hoping no one saw  what have come to pass, but had she known she was seen by two, she wouldn't have pretended.

The girls impatience was intensifying with each passing minutes. That had resulted in yelling her name all over again. Ibtisaam sighed, feeling her spirit down,  walked to them slowly. By now, the rest have come to terms that something was amiss. So they all decided to lift her spirit up but that will be during their outing, and ofcourse with them pretending they didn't saw her.
"Anything miss?" Kausar finally determine to ask
"Yeah!" Many voices followed.
Suddenly, she start smiling like nothing happened
"Nothing. What do you see?" She is  acting nonchalant. They didn't buy it but just go with the flow and shrug it off.
She's happy they didn't persist on the matter but get the message instead, she then proceeded to whirl and asked

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