chapter 14

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Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims!!.
Get closer to your Lord!

With my heart bumping rapidly against my ribcage, I raised my shaky hands and wiped the bead of sweat that formed on my forehead. I stare at the piece of paper on my desk unbelievably, I shut my eyes and chant any du'a that comes to mind, by any I mean shafakillah not excluded.

I glared at the question paper before scrutinizing it again, hopefully I might get what to write. I read the questions again and cursed, not any aming what I studied was asked on this piece of sheet. I studied hard for this test but what now, seated glaring hard at the questions which I don't have idea of.

Seeing sitting idle isn't gonna help, I prayed to almighty to help me out. I took the pen and start writing what I know.

After writing what they didn't ask for, I packed my things and submitted to the pot bellied invigilator whom I don't exclude from my cursings, don't get me wrong if not for his sensitive eyes, I would have get someone's help.
Silently hissing, I walked out from the class and matched towards a bench I saw under the shades of a neem tree. I huffed out an annoying air before sitting with a thud. I adjusted my hijab and put the pin rightly then hugged my bag to my chest.

Few minutes later, I felt someone sat on the bench which made me furrow my brows in annoyance. I opened my eyes and set it on the person that had the guts, the audacity to sit on the bench am sitted on without permission or Salam. My gaze fell on a white guy looking with a amused smile on his lips which riles me up more, I gave him one of my hot glares and he returned with a one shitty of a kind. Oh oh is he on the mission to anger me, if yes, then nigga you did a great job.

Don't he get am not in the mood or he chose to ignore it

"Mission accomplished, congratulations" I said with a very big phoney smile and glared at him. He chuckled then shook his head and say"thanks ma'am. Seems today is a bad day for you"  yea took you long to figure it out

"Yea and you did a great job in making it worst" I rolled my eyes

"My apologies! Actually my legs took me to you when I saw you, my heart wants to talk to you so badly" he flirt but his pickup line sucks eww

"Well, your pickup line sucks. So, what do you want" I went straight to the point feeling the earlier anger rushing up

"Simple.....Friends?" he extends his hands. Man! Just like that. "Sorry, I don't accept, so please I have to go" I stood up, straighten my gown and turned to him

"Not in a good mood now, ignore my attitude, bissalam"

and I walked pass him to the place where I parked my car, hopped in my closed the door. On-ning the AC, I sighed and ignite the car. Driving on the road and listening to the calming voice of sudais reciting the Holy Qur'an, I find peace.

Feeling the earlier emotions dissipate.

I lowered the car when I came to a traffic light stop, I patiently tapped my fingers on the steering wheel while looking out the window. I spotted a boy sitted by the road side looking dehydrated, he looked like he hadn't fed on food for a whole week. I sighed as the cars started moving.

I took a U-turn to the other side of the road. I droved and parked my car Infront of the little boy and hopped out of the car. I walked to him and he stood up on sighting me coming towards him, I smiled at him as a gesture of I mean no harm and he stayed.

"Hey little, what's wrong with you?" I asked him gently. He didn't hesitate to talk upon hearing my question
"I'm feeling hungry, I haven't taken anything in the past two days" oh Allah, I felt my heart squeeze at that.

People out there are suffering and that always brings pain to my heart.

I looked around and spot a small restaurant close to where we are standing "stay here, I'm coming" and opened my car and took money from my purse before locking the car.

I went to the restaurant and a waiter walked up to me as he saw me coming in and asked what I will like to have. i ordered for a fried rice and grilled chicken with a soft drink and bottle water.
I asked him to package it and came back with my order after some minutes. I thank him and got out with the nylon on my hand.

I went and saw him curled up on the floor and his pity encircled my heart. I tapped him and he sat up clutching his stomach
"Take this and eat" I hand him the nylon and he immediately collected bringing out it's content, his eyes went glossy, he looked up at me
"Nagode hajiya, Allah y Baki gidan aljannah ya saka iyayenki a aljannah(thank you ma'am, may you and parents be in paradise)" he prayed which I can't be more happier. I smiled at him as he dig into his food smiling as his misery has end. I gave him 2k to use it when the need arises and went back to my car and drove home feeling light and the test anger long forgotten.

I parked my car as the scorching sun came across my face making me shield my face away with my hand from the heat. I got my handbag and little belongings out of the car and walked into the house.

I met our maid with a incense burner burning bakhoor whom greeted me welcome "is Ammiey back?" I asked with a tired voice "no, but she called and asked me to prepare food for her guests, I think she'll be back any time from now" she said dropping the burner. I uttered an okay before climbing up the stairs to my room. Entering my safe heaven, I immediately dropped myself on the bed closing my eyes tightly, before you know it, sleep consumed me.

I woke up not long ago stretching, I undo my hijab removing the pin and gave my neck a massage. The sleep is somewhat uncomfortable with my hijab rolled and still in the gown I wore to school.

I heard some noises downstairs then I knew Ammiey's guest are here.

I stripped out of my cloth and took a relaxing bath, perform ablution before going out. I wore another comfy gown and sprayed out the darduma to pray Maghreb but felt something wet on me. I went to the bathroom to check and realize it's time of the month. I sighed before cleansing myself and went out of the bathroom. I folded the darduma and put a cap on my head before strolling downstairs.

On the last stair, I stood still, my stiffened body unable to make a move. My mind couldn't comprehend what my ears heard and I gasped in utter disbelief.

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