Chapter 21-30

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Chapter 21

    There were about 20 or 30 people who came, and they couldn't see their faces clearly in the dark.

    All they saw was that they were all carrying packages, some were holding their children, others were carrying mats, mattresses, etc., as if they were fleeing.

    When they came to the front, Shen Cong realized that the head of the crowd was Xu Xingxue, the head of Yingshui Village, and the person in charge of the property was standing beside him with a flashlight.

    A bunch of strangers suddenly appeared in the community, and in this turbulent time, the owners are very vigilant, and every household sends people to inquire.

    Seeing that everyone was unhappy, the property manager quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't have time to discuss with everyone in advance."

    Then he pointed to those people and explained: "These are our neighbors, and they are all welcome by the side. The villagers of Shui Village.

    This is really a special situation. Yingshui Village suffered a disaster. Many houses collapsed, and the square in front of the village committee was also flooded

    . , and did not dare to let them live in dilapidated houses. That’s why they came to our community for help.

    They wanted to take refuge in the square of our community. Let them go back." Speaking of which, the     property

    manager said with a smirk: "It's better to be a close neighbor than a distant relative. Our community and the village are so close, we always have to hold hands at special times. I don't think everyone will have any opinions, right?"

This way of doing things first and then playing is really uncomfortable, but in the face of a catastrophe, there is no way to care about him because of this kind of thing.

    Some people muttered a few words, and some people approached and asked about the disaster situation.

    But now I am still avoiding disasters. To be honest, everyone is not very energetic, and they left without saying a few words. The owners all returned to their own positions.

    Anyway, the square is so big, let alone more than 20 people, no more can be seated.

    No one held on to this matter and expressed opposition.

    Shen Jianyi was originally from Yingshui Village. He heard that there was a disaster in the village, so he must go over and ask about the situation.

    Seeing that Xu Xingxue had arranged all the villagers and was about to go back, he grabbed them and asked, "Xingxue, what's the situation in the village? Is it serious?"

    Seeing that it was Shen Jianyi, Xu Xingxue stopped and explained to him: "Uncle, it's alright, it's not a big deal, don't worry."

    "Why is it not a big deal, doesn't it mean that the houses collapsed?"

    "A few collapsed, but those were originally dilapidated houses."

    He looked back . After taking a look, he lowered his voice and said, "The old courtyard of Liu Xia's house has collapsed. Even if there is no earthquake, it will be impossible for people to live in that house."

    Shen Jianyi obviously had an impression of the old courtyard he said, and clicked He nodded, and then asked, "Then why are there so many people here?"

    "There are problems with these houses."

    Xu Xingxue talked for a long time, but Shen Cong and the others understood that it turned out that there were not many houses in the village that collapsed during the earthquake. .

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