Chapter 41-50

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Chapter 41

    Shen Cong's words shocked everyone present.

    Apparently no one had thought of this before.

    Cao Hongmin was the first to be unable to hold back, he asked, "Xiao Shen, what is your opinion?"

    Shen Cong said helplessly, "What opinion can I have? The people in the house were beaten, and then ran out.

    You said that I only knew what was going on. What idea could I come up with in such a short time?

    The reason for the river is because my family is an old resident of the community, and I bought the house when I bought the house. The sales department used that river as a selling point, so we understand the situation.

    I thought that you have been in the community for a short time, and you may not know it, so I will remind you.

    As for how to make a decision, it is up to you to discuss with the captain. Do it." The

    Shen family has always been reluctant to participate in the decision-making of the community, as everyone knows.

    It's just that this time Shi Lei and the others didn't want to let Shen Cong and the others escape so quickly.

    He looked at Shen Jianyi and said, "Uncle Shen, we understand your family's concerns, because they are afraid of being stuck in the middle of not being able to speak. In fact, we don't need to think too much about it. Even if our community and Yingshui Village are in conflict, they are not enemies. You're life and death."

    He looked at Shen Cong again, and smiled: "Xiao Shen, don't be humble, who in our community doesn't know that you are a person with Qiu He in your chest?

    Do you have any suggestions to talk about it with everyone ? , After all, this is for the future of our entire community, so that everyone can eat."

    Shen Cong shook his head.

    "Captain Shi, you don't have to give me such a high weight. I know how many pounds and two taels in my heart. I'm not that capable.

    And it's not that I can shirk this matter. I really have scruples in my heart.

    We all know the situation in our family. , How to say Yingshui Village is also our hometown, and now there are relatives in the village.

    You were right in what you said just now. It's really hard to speak in the middle. It's easy to be seen as favoritism when you say anything. If that's the case, it's better not to say it.

    Anyway, my dad and I have both promised that we will support what the community decides to do. The rest is up to the captains to discuss. "What

    Shen Fei said to Shen's father just now was heard by everyone present, and the trust he showed in the Shen family was seen by the people.

    Under this circumstance, no matter what the Shen family said, everyone's first reaction would definitely be ——They

    turned to the people of Yingshui Village. After all, they are a family.

    In this case, it is more wrong to say more than to say.

    "No, no, Xiao Shen, don't think too much. "

    "Sister Cong, no one would think so, we are on the side!" "

    "Let's talk about it, brainstorm, let's discuss it, talk about it, don't have any scruples." " As soon as

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