Chapter 111-116

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Chapter 111

    The door of the house was clearly damaged.

    It can be seen that all the previous gaps have been plastered with cement, and the door has been sealed.

    Then after the water receded, the closed door was knocked on again, and some people entered.

    There are water marks on both the fence and the gate.

    The key must be useless, the door was sealed and pried open, and it was already out of shape after being flooded.

    However, this is also a normal phenomenon. Both Shen Cong and Shen's father have seen many of the same situations, and they have long since seen it.

    With Shen Cong's ability, any kind of iron door seemed to be softly wrapped around her fingers, and she opened the door without much effort.

    After entering the door, the two found that the yard was unusually clean, apparently cleaned by someone.

    Although the soil in the yard was also frozen, it could be seen that the previous flooding was not serious.

    This also indirectly proves that what Wei Yan and Liu Tuan said is a little more reliable.

    "There must be water in the courtyard, but it's just because the outside is tightly blocked, so not many people come in, and after the rain stopped, someone came in to clean it up." Shen Cong looked at it and said.

    "It's not the water coming in from the door, it's obviously rainwater seeping down from the roof. Wei Yan and the others have worked hard for this house."

    Father Shen pointed to the tin roof above the roof. exclaimed.

    No matter where the water came from, it's very fortunate to see that the family's house did not suffer any major damage in the flood.

    "Dad, where does Jiashu live? Didn't he say he lives in a community? It doesn't look like someone lives in this house?"

    Shen Cong looked at the yard again and asked.

    When it was raining heavily, Jiashu once asked Weiyan to tell the family that he had moved back to the community and it was safe, so his family should not worry about him.

    So this time, Shen Cong and the others went straight to the villa.

    Since Jiashu is in the community, it must be living in his own home!

    Unexpectedly, there was no one at home.

    Not only is there no one, there is not even a trace of anyone living there at all.

    "Go to the property and ask." Father Shen said.

    Before he could finish speaking, a voice rang out from outside the house.

    "Sister Cong Cong, are you back?"

    It was Sun Qing.

    "Ask Sun Qing." Shen Cong said and went out.

    I haven't seen each other for a few months, and Sun Qing has lost weight again. The small face that was originally small is now so thin that there is not even a trace of flesh.

    There are only a pair of big eyes left on the whole face, and looking at it makes people feel distressed.

    Seeing her like this, Shen Cong quickly took a few steps, took her hand, and asked, "Sun Qing, why have you lost so much weight? The family has run out of food?"

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