Chapter 31-40

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Chapter 31

    "Government rescue is here!" Shen Cong exclaimed in surprise, turning around and running upstairs.

    Gu Kai and Old Man Gu also followed excitedly.

    When they ran to the platform on the fourth floor, they saw Shen Jianyi, who used to charge all the electrical appliances with solar energy installations here, excited like a child, standing on the platform and shouting at the sky.

    He jumped and jumped, and waved desperately, for fear that no one would see it.

    Shen Cong has not seen his father so energetic in many years.

    But don't laugh at anyone at this moment, because everyone is equally excited.

    Shen Xi and Tong Tong followed Shen Cong and the three of them up, and then Cheng Ru pulled Shan Shan and climbed up together.

    Everyone shouted and screamed together, the kind of excitement that anyone who has never experienced it is absolutely unimaginable.

    The helicopter in the sky is getting closer.

    Then at the same time, the three helicopters opened the hatch together, and countless sheets of colored paper flew out of the plane.

    Everyone shouted and made a fuss to catch and pick them up, and then found that there was a letter written on it to tell the compatriots of the disaster victims.

    Although no one's thoughts are here at the moment, some people's eyes are still wet when they read the greetings.

    Soon, the helicopter flew to the most crowded area of ​​the community - the central square.

    Then, as everyone had hoped, big boxes wrapped in camouflage canvas came down from the sky with small parachutes!

    The umbrella flowers floated in the air, and everyone had the same idea at the moment, that is -

    this is the most beautiful scene I have ever seen in my life!

    These supplies quickly landed on the ground.

    Before that, Shi Lei and Cao Hongmin had already brought people to the square.

    They shouted loudly in the crowd, indicating that the materials distributed by the government belonged to all the people in the community, and no matter who picked it up, they had to turn it in.

    If it is discovered that it is hidden, it will be severely punished.

    At the same time, they sent several people to count how many boxes of things the helicopter dropped, and where they fell.

    This look is to finally find and verify according to this statistical data.

    No one thought of keeping it secret.

    Or someone else had such an idea, but it was dismissed when the first box containing supplies fell.

    Because the box is quite big, each one is a uniform size of one meter five by two meters.

    This is too many to count, and too easy to hide.

    The helicopter did not stay over the community for a long time. After they put out the supplies, they continued westward. Obviously, there are still many people affected by the disaster waiting for them to rescue.

    After the helicopters flew far away, the people did not disperse. They all stayed in the square and waited to see how the leaders of the community went one by one to retrieve the boxes that had been put into them.

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