Chapter 61-70

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Chapter 61

    The soil test results will definitely not come out immediately, and no one knows what kind of answer the government will give you on the soil question.

    But no matter how difficult the leaders are about this, everyone has to live a normal life.

    The news that the community found that there is a problem with the soil is still spread out, because it is related to everyone's vital interests, and the speed of dissemination is fast.

    The people in the courtyard will no longer be excluded from the town. I heard that they are from the community, and from time to time, people will gather around to inquire about one or two.

    Want to know what happened to the soil?

    Want to know if the people who went to test have anything to say?

    Everyone in the community was instructed by Shi Lei and the others, not to talk nonsense about this matter, let alone say some suspicious words.

    So everyone was asked, and they just said honestly. When they found that the vegetable seedlings could not grow up, some people suspected that it was the soil problem, and then reported to the town, and the town sent experts to take samples.

    As for the sampling results, they don't know if there is anything wrong with the soil.

    If it were normal times, if a matter spread so loudly and caused turmoil in people's hearts, the government would have spoken out a long time ago, either to clarify or to appease.

    But this matter has been up to now, almost a week has passed, and the leaders have not expressed it at all.

    Don't explain it to the public, even if you ask them, they just say that the soil samples have been sent to the city, and they will wait for the news from the city.

    Others, just like the people in the community said, one question and three ignorance.

    But, just like the situation in the community, many places also found that the vegetable seedlings they planted did not grow.

    The difference between other places and the community is that they did not come up with an idea, and the entire community adopted the method of planting in small pieces.

    Most of the other gathering points are honestly in accordance with the normal method, first reclaiming wasteland and then planting land, which is actually planted by mu.

    This means that it is easy to have a few acres of land without a single seedling.

    The anxiety and fear generated in this way are many times stronger than the community at the beginning!

    The people of Yingshui Village all retreated to the village.

    They worked hard and worked day and night to open a large piece of land not far from the community. Even the underage children in the village used it, but in the end, the rapeseeds that were planted did not sprout.

    For several days, some people broke down and cried in the temporary shed by the roadside, but what can be done by crying?

    In the end, Xu Xingxue came again, and then the villagers quietly packed up and withdrew to the village early in the morning.

    The people closest to them are the people in the community. Although they were a little bit unreasonable before, they can see how hard the people of Yingshui Village are and how much effort they put in.

    Now that they have abandoned the fields they have cultivated for so long and hurt others, the people in the community have suffered for a long time.

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