A Very Long Prologue

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A/n: Alright the Prologue let's go !! Again this story is mostly based on Manga and sometimes anime. Also before making this book, I literally research things needed for survival in Zombie apocalypse so yeah .... it took longer than I thought :D.


No One's POV

A Guy in his 20's is walking on the busy street while reading something on his phone, the boy was wearing his favorite TF2 ( Team Fortress 2 ) character Dell Conagher also known as Engineer. For the game convention at the mall, he stops at a pedestrian crossing waiting for the stop light to go green.

Guy: Damn ... the story was good but it's not finish ... rest in peace Daisuke Satō.

The guy notice the stop light finally turned green, which means it's alright to walk at the pedestrian crosslane. As he reach the middle of the lane his phone pinged, which made him took out his phone and look.

Guy: *confuses* is this some kind of scam ?

" Would you like to go somewhere fun ? "

Guy: This has to be a prank ....

Guy delete the message and starts walking again and reach the other side of the street ( A/n: hah !! You think he will get hit by Truck-kun ? Think again !! ), as he kept walking for few minutes and pass by a construction site. He heard some screaming and saw some people shouting at him, confuse of what they are shouting. He look up which made his eyes turn wide. Metal pipes are falling on the sky before he could do anything everything was black, but he heard something for a second before it turn deaf.

???: that was a cruel way to die .... don't you think Y/n L/n ? *chuckles* let's get you somewhere fun and I will give you a bit of a gift.

Y/n's POV

I don't know why but I couldn't see anything or hear anything is this death ?, I couldn't feel anything like I can't touch or feel at all. Suddenly a bright light engulf the whole darkness which made me blind for a whole 30 seconds, after the bright light I saw I was in a car and look around only to see I have small hands.

Y/n: huh ? Did ... I got isekai'd ?

I look at my side and saw a man which surprise me to see a familiar look, he looks like Engineer from TF2 but older like an old man like in his 60's.

I look at my side and saw a man which surprise me to see a familiar look, he looks like Engineer from TF2 but older like an old man like in his 60's

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( A/n: Imagine that his beard is white )

He was driving us in a mansion ? Wait that mansion looks familiar, is this some kind of sick joke.

Y/n: this has to be a joke ?! Out of every Anime !! I am sent here ?!

Y/n: this has to be a joke ?! Out of every Anime !! I am sent here ?!

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The ENGINEER of The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now