Chapter 3

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A/n: bruh .... this is the third time that this chapter keep breaking *sobs* evil wattpad not letting me save and revision history doesn't save some of my photos.


No One's POV

It was finally morning it was Kyoko's turn to drive the bus as Y/n sitting next to the blonde teacher Shizuka taking a nap, Shizuka who's was also sleeping while some students are eating some snacks that Takashi and Saeko brought from the gas station. Saya stood up from her seat and move in front of her leaning at the seat, poking the engineer to wake up. Which not only Y/n woke up but Shizuka too who rubs the tiredness off her eyes.

Y/n: *open one of his eyes* Yes little miss ?

Saya: we're going to slow, going to the city was a bad idea after all.

Y/n: ... *place a hand on his chin* Well we can go on foot, but it will be dangerous. Unless ... *motion Saya to lean down and whisper* we throw some baggage then head to someone's closest house from here.

Saya: you don't mean throw Koichi-sensei right ?

Y/n: .... exactly.

Saya sighs and sat back at her seat as Saeko and the others that was near them listen to his idea, Y/n pulled out one of the tool box that was under the seat and place it on the metal floor. Takashi and the others watch as the man push a button thinking it must be another one of his sentry, but this time it was different it was small metal box that they never seen before.

( A/n: Mini-dispenser :D from workshop )

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( A/n: Mini-dispenser :D from workshop )

As it finish to set up the mini dispenser suddenly made a sound, Y/n took some bullets on the dispenser and load his guns. Y/n ask Kyoko if she still has the gun he gave her, the woman looks at him and gave the pistol which he took and starts putting bullets.

Saya: ... what is that ?

Y/n: hmm ? Oh that is a Mini-Dispenser, it provides endless supply ammo and metal. And health ....

Saya: that doesn't make sense ....

Y/n: let say it's like a small factory that make products that needed or some term like a game that needed supply.

Saya: .... right .....

The man continues to load some bullets for the guns he have and even woke Hirano up, who was amazed on what he is seeing as he watch the dispenser give out ammunition. Shizuka also notice some syringe and bottle of pills on top of the mini dispenser, and took some of it and see if has labels.

Shizuka: oh wow ... it also has some pain killers.

Y/n finish loading some bullets to the guns and gave the pistol back to Kyoko, as he put the Frontier Justice next to the other tool box. He look at Saya telling her to wake Hirano up which she did, the boy was confused with a drool on his mouth.

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