Chapter 2.5

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A/n: Alright here we go !! One of the bonus chapter !! This the first year when Y/n starting his plan making the base in the island. Also if anyone ask yes Y/n used the original voice for the robots and personality.


No One's POV

It was a good sunny day the bots and Y/n finish placing the equipments and items needed at the island, as the man look at the blueprint and giving orders to the bots. 

They all start to find the middle point of the island and start there, with the Heavy bot carrying Y/n by it's shoulder and walking to the middle of the island with the other bots

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They all start to find the middle point of the island and start there, with the Heavy bot carrying Y/n by it's shoulder and walking to the middle of the island with the other bots.

Y/n: *looks at the map* well accordin' to the photo of this island and landscape the middle part should be here.

The man pat the Heavy bot's head signaling for him to get down, which made the robot place him down gently. Y/n looks at his blueprint and nod then told the bots that it was the right spot to set the base. They all start working clearing out some trees and making some things needed for the base, week have passed it was a progress to dug a large chunk of dirt. But it was taking time Y/n starts planning to make some teleporters and test it with Engineer Bot and Medic Bot, it somehow work but something wasn't right and planned few test for days.

Scout Bot: Hey, look at this

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Scout Bot: Hey, look at this. What have you three eggheads been doing ?

Scout bot throws the excavator keys to the three but no one catch it, as the three look at the boston voice bot.

Scout bot: Nice catch.

Y/n: Yeah. Listen. Ah ... we've been runnin' some experiments on the teleporter. Well yeah. Y'all ought to take a look at this.

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