The Locked Door

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Remy stares at the door in surprise. He's not sure what he expected honestly, but the resounding voice startles him for reasons he doesn't yet understand. He clears his throat and puts his hands in his pockets, "Heya."

"You're not Deceit," the muffled voice mumbles on the other side of the door.

"Nope," Remy replies, "I'm Sleep, name's Remy."

He leans towards the door, "And you are?"

"My name is---"

Remy doesn't hear the mystery Side's reply as he's yanked harshly by his shoulder away from the door and Deceit hisses in his ear, "Just what do you think you're not doing?"

"Oh, hey, D." Remy smirks, pushing Deceit's hands off of him, "I'm just making conversation since no one else wants to entertain me."

"Don't find something else to occupy your time," Deceit glares, his eyes dark with rage, "Talking with him isn't forbidden."

Remy raises an eyebrow, "Forbidden? What for? Did you lock his door like that?"

"Yes." Deceit scoffs, "Not that it doesn't matter. Do talk to him again, do you understand me?"

"No offense, D, but you're not the boss of me." Remy states almost boredly.

Deceit glares, "Don't do as you're told or I will ensure you don't."

"So scary," Remy gasps, feigning shaking, "Really, Deceit. Threatening doesn't work on me, babes. You can't actually hurt me, none of you can. Props of being from the Subconscious."

He gives Deceit the peace sign before turning and sauntering off. Deceit glares after him in silence. Remy sure knew how to get under his skin and really grind his nerves. There's soft laughter coming from the chained door and Deceit turns his angry gaze on it, "Be loud."

"Oh, Deceit," the mysterious Side chuckles, "After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me? The least you could do is let me carry on a conversation."

"Hardly," Deceit replies dryly, "do act as if you're entirely harmless. Your facade does work on me."

The Side giggles, "You know me so well, D. But haven't I been helping you so much recently? You owe your wins against the Lights to me, don't you? When are you going to hold up your end of the bargain and let me out?"

"I'm not Deceit," Deceit smirks, "Hasn't it occured to you that I tell the truth?"

"You're never letting me out." The Side growls, playful voice instantly gone.

"Incorrect." Deceit replies smugly before briskly walking away.


"He's taking too long." Virgil mumbles to himself, pacing across the living room again. It was getting late and Remy hasn't called for him yet, and Virgil's been very vigilant for any mention of his name. Logan looks up from where he's studying some notes on the couch, not wanting to miss Remy's report.

Logan adjusts his glasses, "It's still early, Virgil, let's not start to panic just yet."

Virgil makes a noise between a scoff and a chuckle, "You're kidding, right? Look who you're talking to, Specs."

"I know exactly who I'm talking to." Logan blinks, "That being said, what I said to you wasn't entirely irrelevant, nor did it have anything to do with what you are. Being Anxiety, it is normal for you to perceive circumstances with the worst possible outcome, but that is not all you encompass. You are very perceptive and vigilant, not everything that worries you is unearned."

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