Chapter 1:

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Dez ^

This book is very old I wrote this as a young teenager so I can admit it's not the best... (I've debated deleting) just know your girl has matured in writing and am now giving amazing quality. Most recent work Love Unrehearsed and more to come 💕

Dez & Tara spin-off story from Piece of Love.



Wow. I guess you were serious about telling me not to come to your graduation. So serious I wasn't even told today was your graduation so I'd have enough time to fly out there in time. At least Zain got to be there. Congratulations❤️. Regardless what we go thru I'm honestly proud of you.

"You didn't tell her?" My mom asks slapping me in the back of the head as she was looking over my shoulder reading the text I received from Tara.

"Tell who what?" Nya asks coming over sitting down with us.

I graduated college today. I now have a bachelors degree in graphic design at 22. I worked my ass off as a full time student not only to finish on time, but early.

"Tell Tara that his graduation was today." My mom answers Nya.

"What? You asshole. Now she probably thinks we all didn't say anything on purpose when I thought you would have told her." Nya snapped at me.

"I didn't literally mean for her not to come. I was mad when I said that. I thought one of yall would tell her." I said trying to defend myself.

"That's your fuckin problem. That's all of our problems. Assuming instead of asking." My mom said. "That probably hurt her feelings not being here."

"I would have brought her a ticket to come with us out here had I known." Shaun said.

"Yall didn't tell her when yall went to get Zain?" I ask looking at him as he slept against my arm. Everybody says he looks like me, but I think he looks like his mom.

"Where the hell did yall go wrong?" Mom asks shaking her head.

"He went off to college and did his own damn thing. All them promises yall made to each other on your side was complete bullshit." Nya answered for me.

"Nya stop talking already." I said.

"No because you'll lie. Do you even love her as much as you claim you do?" She asks.

"Yeah, I loved her. I still love her. I just can't stand her crazy ass sometimes." I answered.

"Crazy? Well then what the fuck are you? Tara was a sweet quiet girl when I first met her. You made her crazy. Fuckin with a somebody's heart like that and you expect them not to react." Nya scuffed.

"Okay, are you done bitching?" I ask.

"Get fucked up on ya graduation day nigga." Shaun said.

"I'ma keep bitching because I love your stupid ass." Nya said.

"I love you too, but give a nigga a break."

"Nope." She said.

Of course.


I was curled up on the couch watching tv. I was bored and missing my son.

Our son is now 6 in the first grade and his name is Zain Jeremiah Clark.

I grabbed my phone to call and talk to him the same time Dez's mom Shannon was facetiming me.

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