Chapter 21:

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"Okay, can we change the subject?" I ask as Dez and Shaun, mostly Dez talked about what happened at the grand open a few days ago.

I just wanted to move past it already, while Dez is still worked up about it. I don't blame Dez for still feeling some type of way because it was disrespectful.

"So you really taking up for this nigga?" Dez asks.

I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm just tired of fuckin hearing and talking about it. I'm not a confrontational person, you know that. Plus it wasn't even Austin that was disrespectful it was his mom."

"She's really taking up for this nigga." Dez said looking at Shaun. "You must still wanna fuck this nigga."

I got up. "To avoid punching you in your face I'ma leave."

"Stupid ass don't let her leave mad." I heard Shaun say.

I heard a sigh before Dez came behind me snatching all the keys off the key rack as I reached for mine and just walked away.

"Excuse you!" I said.

"No, excuse you." He said back.

"I'm trying to go to my mom's with my son since I'm not wanted here."

"Sit yo ass down Tara. Just because you pissed me off don't mean I don't want yo ass here." He said.

"Can I have the keys Dezmin?" I ask holding my hand out.


"Ugh, you get on my nerves." I said going upstairs.

I was gonna try to find the spare keys, but then I got lazy and ended up laying down.

"What are you doing weirdo?" Dez asks walking into the room a little while later.

"Rubbing my stomach, duh." I said.

I was laying out on the bed with my shirt up enjoying my baby girls kicks.

"You cooking tonight or we eating out?" He asks. "I can grab something when I go get Zain."

"Out. I want boneless hot wings."

"Your ass gonna be burning. You eat too much hot shit this pregnancy."

"No I don't." I lied knowing spicy food is all I have been craving lately.

"Okay." He said.

"Can you also get me fries with them?" I ask.

"Yeah." He said laying down kissing my stomach then laying his head against it. "She up."

"I know." I said

"I apologize for what I said earlier. I shouldn't have said it."

I stared at him.

"You're apologizing? Without having to realize where you were wrong first?" I ask not believing this right now.

"Shut up."

"Mmm. I see you Dez."

He shook his head.

"Oh, Dez why didn't you tell me Ashton was back?" I ask as I was texting Lex.

"Who?" He asks.

"Ash, from when we was younger and first got together. Your friend. He use to always call me lil sis."

"Oh I don't fuck with that nigga."

I lifted my head looking at him, "What? Why? Since when?"

"Since before he moved away."

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