Chapter 4:

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"So where we going today little man?" I ask Zain as I held the car door open waiting for him to get in.

I was picking him up from school he only has a couple weeks left before he's done with first grade.

It was just me and him today since I know Tara said she was gonna be baking for people all day. Plus she's talking about she's going on some bullshit ass date. Her ass know who daddy is and always will be at the end of the day so I ain't sweating it.

"Ummmm, I don't know." Zain answers me.

"How about laser tag with Shaun and Micah then any food place you want?"

"Okay cool." He said smiling all big.

"Cool." I said


"Yo Tee I'ma hit you later tonight when I take my son home." I said over the phone as I parked.

"Okay, don't forget." She said.

"I ain't." I said before we ended our call.

I got out going to the back to let Zain out the car.

"Dad mommy wants another baby." Zain randomly says to me as we walk up to the entrance of the laser tag place.

I look over at him quick to make sure I heard him right. "She does?" He nods. "How do you know?"

"She said it to Aunt Lex."

"And ya nosy ass just be listening?" I ask chuckling.

"Yeah." He laughed.

"You want a lil brother or sister?"

"Yeah, I guess. I want you and mommy together."

"Yeah? Well, maybe one day, who knows."

"Yeah, who knows." He sighed copying me making me laugh.



"So how'd it go?" Lex asks over the phone once I got home from this so called date.

"Bitch. Horrible."

"What? No, why? I swear I thought this one was a good one."

"The nigga couldn't even pay for our fifty dollar bill, so I did. Talking about he forgot his wallet, when you were going on a date? No, you're just broke as fuck and shouldn't have agreed to this date." I snapped annoyed.

"But, Rell told me-" I cut her off.

"Bitch stop hooking me up with your nigga at the moment's friends. If that nigga ain't shit, there's a great chance his friends ain't and this one obviously wasn't."

"I'ma cuss his ass out."

I rolled my eyes. "Bye girl, I'm completely over this shit. I'm about to take a shower, finish these cakes, then wait for my baby."

After I got off the phone with her I wasted no time getting in the shower.


"Mommy!" Zain ran into the kitchen hugging me when he got here.

"Hey, you have fun?" I ask rubbing his head.

"Yup!" He exclaimed before he started telling me about their day ending it with a yawn.

"Okay, go put ya bookbag in ya room then you can take a bath and go to sleep." I said which he nodded to before taking off upstairs.

"Okay, bye Dez." I said.

"Damn, not even gonna invite me to stay for dinner?" He asks.

"Nigga, it is 8 o'clock. Dinner time been over, you better had fed my son."

"Chill, I did."

"Mhmm, just looking for a reason to stay, huh?"

"Ain't I always?" He says coming up behind me grabbing onto my hips.

"Dez move. Go give Zain a bath, that's ya reason to stay." I said putting my last piece on the cake I was decorating.

"I gotchu." He said softly kissing my neck then roughly slapping my ass before leaving.

"Annoying." I mumbled blushing.


"My sonny is in bed knocked out." Dez said coming into my room.

I was laid out on my bed just on my phone going from app to app.

"Okay bye, drive safe babydaddy."

"Take the baby part out and just say daddy." He said removing his shirt and climbing onto my bed.

"Dez move." I said as he laid between my legs damn near on top of me. "And don't start." I said slapping his hand away from my pajama shorts as he tried to move them to the side.

"Heard you want another baby?"

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Just repeating what I heard. You know I got no problem giving you a baby, right? All you gotta do is ask. I'm more than down."

"I'm good with just my son for now and if I ever find a man, a loyal one that is. I might have me a daughter one day, until then, I'm good."

"I'm the only nigga that's gonna place my kids in there so fuck outta here."

"Nope." I said.

"Yes." He said.

"Anyways." I said completely over that conversation.

"So how was your date?" He asks.

"It went good, I actually like him." I said looking away.

He stares at me before he starts laughing.

"The hell are you laughing for?" I ask.

"You lying like fuck."

"What? No I am not."

"I know you! You can't lie to me for shit. Lying ass."

"Boy shut up, no I am not."

"It's coo babe, nobody's better than me. We get it." He said climbing up more on top of me.

"No, nobody's better than the Dez before college." I corrected him.

He ignored me kissing my neck.

"Stop." I moan as he smoothly pulls my shorts and panties down at the same time.

"Why?" He asks sliding a hand under my shirt to cup my bare breast.


"Because what?" He said quickly and easily removing my shirt then placing his mouth over my nipple.

I gasped. "Because, I-I I don't know." I finished with a moan as he removed his own shorts sliding on a condom then entering me.


I was woke up by a phone ringing. I thought it was mine, but it was Dez's.

I looked at the time on the clock to see it was a little past midnight. I moved from Dez's hold. I grabbed his phone looking at the lockscreen to see he had two missed calls from somebody saved as Teyana and a text that read: I thought you were comin thru?

I didn't know what threw me off more. The fact that he was suppose to be with somebody else tonight or the fact that the number was actually saved.

I got up grabbing his shirt throwing it over my naked body and going downstairs with his phone. I was so tempted to go through it since I know his passcode is the combination of me and Zain's birthdays, but I decided against.

I did somehow end up smashing his phone into pieces.


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