Chapter 15:

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"Mommy where's dad?" Zain asks me coming into my room jumping on to the bed.

"He'll be back." I said rubbing my hand over his head.

"Okay, well can you make me breakfast?" He asks sounding and looking like his dad.

"You and ya dad get on my nerves with yall demanding asses." I said which he just laughed about.

"Did you brush ya teeth?" I ask him as I got up.

"Of course."

"Okay, well let me brush mine then wash my face and I'll be down to cook for us."

"Okay. I'm going to watch tv in the living room." He said running off.

After finishing my morning routine I made me and Zain something quick to eat. We sat in front of the tv watching some show he liked while eating.

I only ate about half of my food since my mind was all over the place wondering what's going on and why I haven't heard from Dez yet. I was becoming so anxious.


"Zain you cheating and ain't even showing me how to play." I said as we played the Wii.

We both took showers and put comfortable clothes right back on since we don't plan on doing anything, but chillin inside for the rest of the day.

"I did mommy you just don't know how to play." He said laughing.

I sucked my teeth. "Yeah, because you aren't showing me." I said throwing my controller on the couch tickling him before going to open the door since somebody rang the doorbell.

"Hey bitch." Lex said walking right past me into the house.

"Uh, bitch do I know you?" I ask closing the door following her.

"Hey nephew." She said smothering Zain in hugs and kisses.

"Stop!" He shouted laughing. "I'm telling my daddy."

"Tell him." She said letting him go and he ran upstairs.

"Where you going?" I call after him.

"Use the bathroom!" He called back.

"I don't know you girl." I said as Lex attacked me in hugs and kisses next.

"So where's the babydaddy?" She asks once she was done torturing me.

"In his skin. Sike with his babymama at the hospital."

"Wait, the last time we talked you told me yall didn't know if the baby was his. So the baby is his?" She asks.

I shrugged. "Have no idea yet. I'm playing cool, but my nerves are so bad right now not knowing anything. He hasn't called me and I dont want to call him. So basically I'm just playing this waiting game."

"Enough about me," I say wanting to change the subject before I get in my feelings.

"You've been m.i.a other than a few texts or calls here or there. You must got a new man. A good one this time if he's taking your bothersome ass away from me." I said joking.

"Fuck you." She laughed blushing.

"Oh, so I'm right?" I ask.

"Something like that." She shrugged playing it off, but I know her too well for her to hide anything from me.

"Uh huh, I'ma get it outta you." I said before calling upstairs to Zain.

"Zain I thought you were only going to the bathroom!?" I called since it's been awhile.

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