Ch 2. Avoidance

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Disclaimer: I do not own Show/Anime


It took five hours to explain Meta-Ability instinct control and what it means for the person suffering from it, by the end All For One was asleep in their new bed and the two he'd been explaining to had gone silent. Sanji looking annoyed but much less antagonistic, while Yoichi looked torn between relief and fear.

"I still don't think bringing him here was smart." Sanji stated eventually, leaning back with a sigh." If those suppressant cuffs ever get damaged, then the risk of them going back to how they were is virtually guaranteed."

Nijiro knew that was a risk and he couldn't explain it, but he wasn't willing to give up or abandon the man when they looked so broken in that base. They had needed help, just as much as Yoichi if not more and he couldn't ignore that. It just didn't feel right, something inside him didn't want to let the man fall back into Meta-Ability induced insanity once more.

He gritted his teeth, turning to face the white haired man sleeping in the bed behind him with such a peaceful expression. It was selfish, but he wasn't able to spare his friend lion friend from their fate, but perhaps he could spare All For One from a similar one.

"He just looked like he need help..." Nijiro admitted softly, his voice barely above a whisper and his two friends faces stared at him." It was similar to how I knew Yoichi needed help, but this time the feeling is stronger...I don't why, I can't exactly explain it."

Sanji gave him a knowing look, much to his confusion and Yoichi was just staring at him with mild shock.

He wasn't lying, he had no clue why he was entertaining the idea of saving All For One from themselves, he should have been willing to kill them instantly for all they have done to him as well as thousands of others. Yet the look of pure fear, defeat, and exhaustion in their red eyes had called to him, had made him realize if he killed them while they were at their lowest...then he was no better they were.

"Y-You care about him, it's been less then seven hours since you met them in a non-battle scenario and you care about them." Sanji stated, leaving no room to argue and he just flinched at his friends knowing tone.

He didn't care about them, at least not more then he would anyone in their situation...right?

"I think your confusing my habit of saving people with me liking the man." Nijiro responded with a near growl, his red eyes flashing as if daring them to argue with him. Sanji frowned slightly before sharing a unidentifiable look with Yoichi, before they turned back to him and gave him a serious look.

"Ok, me and Yoichi will try and support you with this, but I can't promise everyone else will and you realize if things go wrong...I am afraid that not even me and Yoichi will support you as any death from this point on from All For One is on you." Sanji stated and Nijiro felt like he was now on a tightrope, doing a balance act that might go either way and he felt a small flare of concern that maybe he had made a mistake.

However as he took another glance back at the man, he knew that despite the risk he'd be at least trying to get them the help and if it ended up with him being banished from the base...then so be it.

"If they end up falling under their Meta-Ability instincts again, then I will be the one to end them...and I will go into self-imposed exile afterwards." Nijiro vowed, still not meeting his two friends eyes as he just watched the peaceful expression on the sleeping All For One's face.

He didn't even turn to watch as he heard Sanji and Yoichi get up and leave the room, not until they had closed the door once more. Only then did he turn and stare at said door, before letting his face fall into his hands.

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