Ch 6. How It Ends

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Show/Anime


Time seemed to slow for Nijiro as he reached out for the gun in his friends hand, only for someone else to reach them before he did and tackle them to the ground just in the nick of time.


His entire body felt like it would melt with how relieved he was that the younger white haired man had saved Shiro, even Sanji looked a bit relieved despite having tried to kill them only a couple of minute's earlier. He made it to Shiro's side, grabbing the gun and tossing it back to Sanji who caught it.

"Why would you do that, I was going to end the suffering and put an end to All For One for good." Shiro whispered breathlessly, staring at Yoichi who slowly got to their feet." I was going die your big brother and not that monster in my head, I wanted to die human..."

"Shiro, you can end All For One and still live, you need those cuffs." Yoichi said wrapping their arms around Shiro's neck in a hug." You have something you didn't have before, because before you wouldn't let anyone help you. This time you have me, Sanji, and Nijiro to help share the burden, your aren't fighting this fight alone anymore."

Shiro's face seemed to go slack, their red glistening in barely shed tears as they took in and processed the words their little brother was saying.

Nijiro reached over and placed a hand on Shiro's shoulder, causing them to look towards him with an expression of surprise. He just smiled at them, try to portray how much he loved them through his gaze only and Shiro's eyes started to water visibly.

"How?" Shiro asked, their voice barely above a whisper." How do I prevent myself from letting my guard down, he says he'll be waiting for that time...he'll be waiting for me to let it down so he can take over once more."

He just moved closer and pulled Shiro into a hug, Yoichi letting go and watching the scene with a hopeful expression.

"Oh my sweet Shiro, you'll be able to fight it because unlike All For have people your willing to fight for and that makes you so much stronger then that man." Nijiro said with conviction." You will always win because despite what All For One says, their still your Meta-Ability and in the despite their sentient nature....we can train you to be able to fully control it over time, I promise."

For a moment Shiro's face twisted into fear, then relaxed as the looked up into his eyes with determination. They gave firm nod and Nijiro let out a deep breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, before he smiled warmly and leaned over to the man in front of him. His lips making contact with theirs and after a few seconds, the kiss deepened.

When they pulled apart for air, he just hugged Shiro tightly once more.

"I love you, Shiro..." Nijiro whispered softly and he felt them hug him back, their arms clinging to him as if afraid he would disappear.

"I love you too, Nijiro." Shiro's voice replied in his ear, making his heart soar like he was a bird in the clouds." I love you more then you could ever know, even if I hadn't realized until you died..."

Nijiro pulled from the hug, before getting to his feet and holding out his hand for the man who took it gently. As he help Shiro to their feet, he turned to Yoichi and Sanji with a wide smile and his two friends just smiled back in return. Although concern was still present in Sanji's eyes, but also acceptance of the situation.

"The base won't like this." Sanji warned and Nijiro just chuckled slightly.

"They don't have to like it, plus this war is over." Nijiro said with a grin towards Shiro." I think it's time we disbanded the Resistance and started living our own lives."

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