Ch 5. The Transfer

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Show/Anime


Sanji had been sitting with Yoichi on their bed, his boyfriend leaning against him as they read a book, when he got the call.

Reading the contact he realized it was Nijiro, his friend who had left without even a note and hadn't contacted him or Yoichi since. In a burst of anger he pressed the answer button and prepared to shout at them angrily, Yoichi's attention having gone from their book to him in the last few moments.

However before he could say a single word, he heard sobbing on the other end and his heart dropped. The sobbing wasn't from Nijiro, it was from Shi-All For One and he felt bile rise in his throat. Nijiro wasn't the one who called him, it had been All For One and he turned towards Yoichi with a pale face.

"S-Sanji, I...I couldn't stop myself in time...he's...Sanji, he's Go...Gone..." He heard the man sob into the phone on the other end and Sanji closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he stood up from the bed quickly followed by Yoichi.

This was what he had been afraid of, Nijiro had gone after All For One and ended up getting killed in the process.

"Stay there, Shiro, we're gonna come get you and...Nijiro." Sanji ordered, nearly choking over his best friends name." Your brother is right here, would you like to talk to them, it might help you keep level head during this until we can get to you?"

He heard another choked sob, his heart torn been empathy and anger at what they had done to his friend.

"I...Sanji I...he's gone..." He heard the man whisper." Sanji he...told me that, he loved me and I wasn't able to take control fast enough and....oh god..."

Sanji's heart plummeted, Nijiro had admitted what they wouldn't even admit to themselves and that's what had brought Shiro back to their senses. He ran a hand down his face, before handing the phone to Yoichi who took it with a small frown and then began talking to their brother quietly over the phone.

For the next fifteen minutes Sanji got together some equipment, before he and Yoichi rushed out of the base telling everyone they would be gone for about a day and then they drove off towards the place Shiro had told them they were in.

Yoichi was still talking to Shiro, meaning the man hadn't done something stupid like sacrificing themselves again.

It was a small relief, knowing that the man his best friend had loved...hadn't tried to end their life again. That would have hit even harder, knowing that Nijiro's death was in vain and they hadn't even managed to save Shiro out of it. That was assuming they had managed to save Shiro, the man was without the suppressant cuffs and at any moment their Meta-Ability might force itself into control once more.

He turned the into the parking lot with a skid, he and Yoichi getting out of the car and rushing into the building ignoring the bodies that lay littering the ground. There was no point in looking for survivors, his friend's aim had always been true and there wouldn't be any life to be found.

He made his way up the stairs, helping Yoichi as they had to stop for air partway up due to their weaker lungs.

Once he was on the second floor, he walked down the hallway until he found the last door that was open and he walked in. Spotting Shiro sobbing onto the body of Nijiro, their tear stained face soaking through his friends military uniform.

The sight of hand prints on his friends neck nearly made Sanji go blind with rage, but he held himself together and turned to nod at Yoichi. His boyfriend taking a step forward before attempting to get Shiro to let go of Nijiro, but the man just clung tighter as if not willing to let go of the last piece of Nijiro they had.

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