Ch 4. Too Late...

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Disclaimer: I do not own Show/Anime


Within a week Nijiro was once more drowned in reports of All For One attacking and killing people, at that point he stepped down as the Resistance leader and assigned Sanji to the position...before two weeks later, in the middle of the night he packed some essentials and left the base permanently.

He had promised to self-exile himself should something like this happen, so he would keep his word. Even if he knew he wouldn't survive long out here, not without the support of the Resistance and proper medical attention should he get hurt.

However he had known the risks involved with his decision to allow Shiro to stay at the base, now the hundreds of dead people recently were on him.

Nijiro might as well have killed them himself, he should have fired that damn gun instead of asking whether Shiro was still aware of what was happening. He should have done it before the man could react, but he hadn't and they escaped to hurt other people. Never in his entire life had he hesitated to shoot his gun, he had felt sick after shooting his gun sure, but never had he hesitated.

Currently, nearly a month into his exile, he was leaning against the brick wall of an alley way, having tracked All For One's movements to the town he was currently in and if he wanted any chance of redeeming himself he would have to take down All For One himself or die trying.

It was the only way to make up for his mistakes, the only way to put Shiro to rest so they wouldn't have to suffer any longer with the knowledge they had been taken over by a monster once more. It wouldn't be easy as All For One had their Meta-Abilities back, they could easily kill him if he approached them directly.

However approaching them directly was the only option he currently had, so with a heavy sigh he adjusted his gauntlets and prepared to enter the building he had tracked the man to.

With a tense form, he whirled around the wall he was leaned against and marched directly to the front doors, ruthlessly taking the lives of the people who stepped forward to stop him and he shot a blast towards the front doors shattering the glass. He wouldn't allow anyone to stop him, it was his duty to end what he started and he wouldn't have it any other way.

As soon as entered the building he was forced to dodge several fire Meta Ability attacks being thrown in his direction, wincing as one hit him on the arm instantly burning through his clothes and leaving a second degree burn.

Turning he aimed and fired his gauntlet at the man who had attacked him, watching as the man was blasted into a nearby wall.

It took nearly eight minutes to dispatch of the rest of the people, before he began going up the stairs to the second floor. If his intel was correct then All For One should be there, assuming they hadn't decided to leave once the commotion was started.

He opened the door to the second floor and paused, listening for any movement and then turning the corner quickly with his gauntlet at the ready. However not a single person stood in his way, making Nijiro feel anxious. There should have been more people on this level, All For One never let themselves be this unprotected at all times and this meant they have either transported themselves away...or they this might have been a trap.

As he walked down the hallway he kicked each door down, before aiming his gauntlet in the rooms. Each room they he checked causing his heart rate to pick up, hoping he hadn't been failed to pin down the man again.

However on the second last door of the floor he was on was kicked down, he immediately tensed as he spotted All For One casually looking out the window. Their head tilting and turning slightly as he walked in with his gauntlet trained on their back, with a deep breath he fired and All For One immediately dodged and was in front of him in seconds with their hand around his throat.

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