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Naruto woke up early in the morning. He looked around to notice he had slept in his own apartment. He sighed.
That's right... the incident.


It was Sasukes night. A week after Kakashi had practically band sex from Naruto.
So knowing he wouldn't have time to wake up, eat and go to his apartment to get dressed. He had gone over to his apartment before planning to head to Sasukes.

But when Naruto jumped from the railing of his apartment complex. He noticed the door to his apartment—which was the last door on the third floor—was open, he quickly ran to look.
And there it was. The council and their civilian fucks had struck.
And a week before Christmas. That was almost too unkind. They should've done it on Christmas if they wanted to be devils.

Naruto walked into his apartment and saw the damage the villagers and shinobi who hated had done. His furniture was torn, inside his bath were his burnt clothes along with his only blankets and pillows and sheets for his crap bed that was 👐 miraculously👐  untouched. His bed was probably the only thing he wouldn't care that they destroyed.
Cupboards and cabinets were open. His heater was blasting, which he quickly turned off, and the fridge was open along with the freezer. He shut those than shut the window. Thankfully it had stopped snowing so no snow got into his apartment but it was like Antartica. The heater on was only to bring up his bills which Mebuki had succeeded in.
Naruto knew by tomorrow he would get his rent and bills and would have to dive into his savings to pay for it all.

He sighed and began to pick up the burnt clothes. Naruto could barely stand to see such cute clothes ruined and there was a burnt mark on the bottom of the tub which he'd surely get interest for for whenever he moves out of this apartment.
Never. He'll never move out.
Trying to move out is like suicide. He only had this apartment because Hiruzen had rented it out for him and no one could disobey the hokage. He was almost kicked out before Tsunade stepped up and renewed Narutos lease.

Somehow, one way or another. Naruto had passed out on the torn couch.

~~End of FlashBack~~

A knock came to his door. Naruto sighed and stood to notice his apartment seemed even colder than last night.
He quickly ran to his door with his shoes still on and putting his jacket on. Opening the door, Naruto was confronted with Sasuke himself.

He internally cursed seeing the Uchiha. Naruto knew why Sasuke was here and he was somehow terrified of the Uchihas reaction to him never coming over to his house.
Sasuke glanced around Narutos apartment.

"I've never seen your apartment." He looked back down at Naruto.
"There's not much to see." He shrugged. "It takes a glance to know where everything is."
"Is that so?" Sasuke stepped forward and Naruto stepped back. The Uzumaki casually slipped his hands into his pants pockets.
He nodded. "It's a crap apartment but all I can afford." He shrugged.
"Oh... so you didn't come over why?"
A shudder ran down Narutos spine at the animalistic growl.
"Well— you see my apartment had been ransacked and I needed to clean up... somehow along the way I fell asleep."
"Why clean a crap apartment?"
Naruto grumbled. "Because it's my crap apartment."

Sasuke pinned Naruto to the wall, pushing his body against Narutos.

"I'm more interested in how your going to make up for last night Naruto. Unlike Kakashi I actually make very good use of that time."
Naruto bit his lip.. and shrugged. "How do you want it made up?"
"I have many ideas."
Naruto rolled his eyes, a small blush littering his cheeks.
"Would you care to know one?"
"I'm afraid to know."
Sasuke chuckled. He ran his thumb over Narutos lips and kissed the corner of his mouth.
"Watching as you play with yourself."
Naruto turned beat red and pushed the Uchiha away. "You're crazy!"
"Am I though?" Sasuke pushed Naruto up the wall and wrapped his legs around his waist. "Is it so bad to see the omega I wish to mark one day mess with themselves?"
Naruto grumbled. "Let's here another one of your twisted things."
Sasuke smirked. "Having you tell me what you want. What way to pin you to the bed.. or not pin you to the bed. What handcuffs or rope I should use. If I should go fast or slow. Make you come or force you to hold it in."
Scenarios ran through Narutos head and he quickly shook them off. "And another?" He hesitantly asked.
Naruto looked at him shocked. Sasuke licked his neck and nipped a small piece of the tan skin just below his ear.
"It would... be fascinating to see how you react with two cocks inside you instead of only one."
Naruto shuddered at Sasukes hot breath on his freezing body.

"I— have you and Kakashi been talking?"
"Hm? Why do you ask?"
"... because he talked about the same thing a week ago."
"What I'd like to do with you?"
"No." Naruto sighed. "The threesome."
"Mm. Well seeing our situation it's not completely out of the realm of ideas." Sasuke gripped Narutos ass. "It would be the ultimate pleasure for you."
"Yeah and probably overwhelming."
He chuckled and kissed the Uzumaki. "We'd take good care of you. Don't worry."

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