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Day 8|| Chunin Exams

Everyone who had passed was here. More than half of them were Leaf Shinobi with Gaara and his siblings a couple rows down from Naruto. Kabuto and his team was on the opposite side of Narutos.
The hokage, two Anbu, the jonins of each team, all the proctors and summoners from the scrolls were in front of them.
Hiruzen looked around at the teams.

"First before I tell you what the third exam entails, I want to explain something about the test itself. Why do you suppose our country holds these exams in conjunction with our allies? The exams are so to speak uh... they are representation of the battle between allied nations. We're once neighboring nations that continuously fought with for power. That's how the Chunin selection exams originally began. There is no question that part of the point of these exams is to select shinobi worthy of Chunin. Many leaders and people of providence from various countries are invited to attend this exam as guests. And take note of the strengths of each ninja and each nation is developing.
The request to countries that are deemed weak decline. Therefore, the stronger our nation is the country strength is the villages strength. The villages strength is the shinobi strength.
It's because this is an exam where your life is on the line that it has meaning..."

"By than why did you use the expression friendship before?" Tenten grudged out.

"In the world of the shinobi that is friendship. The Chunin exams where you fight for the pride of your nation and for your dreams..."
Hayate stepped forward and bowed. "If I could hokage-sama. I would like to take over the explanation."
"Hm... so be it."
Hayate stood and turned to the Genin. "It's nice to meet you all. Before the third exam there are some... pre-actions we have to take for how large this group is." He coughed. "First of all, anyone who would not like to participate any further or is not confident enough to, raise your hand."

Kabuto was the only one to raise his hand. People stared at him in shock, though Naruto only found it annoying why he had even participated in the Chunin exams.
Kabuto lowered his hand and Hayate gestured for him to leave. He smirked across the group to Naruto before turning on his heel and heaving. He glanced back at his mask covered teammates.

'I leave the Uchiha boy to you Yoroi and Misumi. Don't embarrass Lord Orochimaru now. Especially with that Uzumaki brat'

"Now that that's out of the way." Hayate gave a few more coughs. "Before hokage-sama explains the third exam. We must complete a preliminary exam."
Hayate ignored the outburst. "With so many teams still left we will have to cut down that number into half. Anything is allowed except killing and your fight will be randomized by that scene up there." He points to the left where a scene is black. "After the strongest are only left, we will continue to the third exam."
"Oh that's bullshit." Sakura crossed her arms in annoyance.
"Your only annoyed because you know you'll lose."
"Shut up Naruto-baka! I bet you get so hurt your put into the hospital."
"Please with my looks who would hurt me?" Naruto smirked as most of the candidates glared at him. Hinata only blushed. Naruto was gorgeous.

"I swear I'm kicking his ass the first chance I get." Kiba seethed behind Hinata. Akumaru barked.

"Right..." Hayate coughed. "If you all could go up into the stands. I'd like to get these rounds started."
"That kids cocky." Anko looked at the Jonin. "Who's kid is that?"
They all looked at Kakashi and he scratched his head.
"No idea."
Asuma smirked as he followed Kunerai, Might Guy and Kakashi up to the stands where their students had been.

Naruto punched Kakashis arm when he was close enough. "You know what you signed up for asshole! Don't get embarrassed now!"
"Hm. Oh Naruto I hadn't seen you there."
Asuma chuckled with Kunerai shaking her head by his side and Might Guy and Lee cheering Naruto on as he kicked and punched after his sensei. Kakashi dodged all of them thankfully.

"Now now Naruto it was only a joke."
"You suck at making jokes. Don't try to make one ever again."
"Oof." Asuma voiced. "Your kids hard core Kakashi."
Kakashi sighed. "He's worse on heat believe it or not."
Naruto glared over his shoulder. Kakashi cleared his throat as Sasuke put Naruto in front of him.
"Is it just me or are your genins really close?" Kurenai crossed her arms.
"I-I heard n-Naruto-kun say S-Sasuke was his b-boyfriend."
Kurenai looked at Hinata surprised. "Where'd you hear that?"
Hinata poked her fingers together. "W-when Anko was telling u-us about the second e-exam."
"That would explain it."
"Did he say one or two boyfriends?"
He ignored Asuma. Hinata turned beet red. "I-I think... two?"
Kakashi nodded and opened his book.
"Why is that important?"
"Because it is Asuma-sensei. Don't worry about it." Naruto waved a hand in dismissal and Asuma scratched his neck, confused as hell.

"The first contestants to fight in the first round is..."
The board blinked green before shuffling all of the genins names.
"... Yoroi and Uchiha Sasuke."
Naruto whistled. "Good luck with your curse mark."
"Your support really helps."
"Of course I'm fabulous."
Sasuke rolled his eyes as he walked down the stairs. Kakashi took a place leaning on the railing beside Naruto.
"So he got the curse mark?"
"Yeah." Naruto ran a hand through his hair. "Orochimaru had done something and I blanked out. I didn't wake up till three days later."
"When did he attack?"
"Our third day. I woke up on heat."
"I expected as much." Kakashi looked at Naruto. "Did anything else bad happen?"
"Not that I know of. If something did happen Sasuke nor Sakura have mentioned it... but if I had to guess Sasuke went on a rampage with the curse mark power the first moment he woke up."
"I'm guessing that's normal?"
"Yeah. With the new power the person tends to be blindsided for a few hours unless something snaps them out of it."
"Has he used it since?"
"No... but we haven't fought since." Naruto looked at Kakashi. "Seal it as fast as you can."
"The seal will only work if the person has enough will power—"
"Yeah yeah. Seal the damn thing and tell Sasuke. We can't have him running around with that power and Orochimaru constantly whispering about power inside his damn mind. Sasuke may not want to kill his brother right now but that doesn't mean he's forgotten about the whole ordeal."
"Your afraid he'll leave?"
"Of course." Naruto sighed. "I'm more terrified of Sasuke leaving than him killing the entire village. At least than I'd know where he is."
"Why would he kill the entire village?" Kakashi sighed.
"It's an example! Geez he's not actually going to destroy the entire village that's my job." He rolled his eyes.
"Naruto you can't—"
"I'm being sarcastic even if I wanted to I don't want to go down to hell and be congratulated by Orochimaru." Naruto cupped his cheeks and kicked Kakashis shin when the curse mark started to activate.

He looked over to see the wave pattern begin to climb onto Sasukes face. "Yeah... I'll deal with it once this round ends."
"The sooner the better."

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