Chapter 2

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5 years later

A lot of teenagers generally love school. But did I? Not one bit. I had never liked school since I can remember, maybe because all I can remember about my 'school life' is about all the picking on, bullying and harassing. But with all that, it only helped me keep my mind busy when things didn't go too well in my caustic life.

I never liked living or even the idea of living for many different reasons thanks to my childhood memories–I mean that in a good way by the way. I felt like I didn't deserve to live or to even breathe with whatever that was going on all those years. I hated that it was easy to pity my own self. I hated living with pity. And I wanted all of what was going on to end. With me.

But, I was wrong.

So wrong.


I mentally groan as I see three of my cardboard boxes scattered around the hallway.

"You guys toppled down a little too early!" I say to the boxes mindlessly as I begin picking the contents of the boxes that fell out and start tossing them back into the box.

"Who toppled down too early?" I gasp at the new voice but turn around to see a young girl with blonde curls hanging down her head beautifully standing by the doorway of the room opposite to mine.

"Oh hello. My boxes just toppled while I was trying to get them in my room." I explain to the girl looking at me and the toppled boxes.

"Can I help you?" she asks sweetly, holding both her hands together.

"Thank you" I smile at her which makes her small face lighten up as I gesture for her to help me with the first box. "Where is your mummy and daddy?" I thought of making conversation with the young girl with pretty hair.

"Home" she answers, not looking up from her 'workplace'. I smile and continue picking up some of my clothes that fell out of the second box.

"There you are. Addy, what have I told you about strangers and messing with other people's stuff?" The only things I register for the past fifteen seconds are: British, deep, sexy, probably hot and a father.

"But Jerebear, she is a pretty stranger. You didn't say not to talk to pretty strangers. Also, we need help on the third box" I don't know how old this girl is, probably five or six. Either way, she sounds way mature for her age.

"Sorry..I didn't mean to call her to help me. She offered and I found that sweet so I allowed her. I'm sorry though." I stand up with a box full of my clothes and plan to turn around to set the box in my room but my legs have seemed to have forgotten how to walk.

I'm not sure about the man being a father now because damn. Not to be too dramatic but this guy is the definition of hot. He appears to be in his twenties. He definitely isn't a father.

"I see. You just moved in?" I didn't expect him to stop and lean against his door frame, let alone talk to me, but he is and that made me a little embarrassed because I smiled. He just talked. To me.

"Yeah." My voice sounds as if I've been running on a treadmill for hours. "Sorry again" I mumble and proceed to take the boxes to my room.

When I get back, the tall super hot brown haired guy isn't leaning against his door frame but is squatting down in front of the third box picking up my lingerie and tossing them in the box.

Oh no.

"Uh, I can get it, thanks" I stumble forward towards him and grab the last black panties from his hand and dump it in the box and stand up and head to my room.

"Your welcome!" I hear him say, just when I place the box in my room. I smile to myself before walking out of my apartment.

"Sorry. Thank you" I say to him. He smirks and nods his head. I have half the heart to walk back inside and close my door because of this guy because I definitely want to skip getting settled in but just hear him talk.

"What's your name?" he smirks. Okay, I think that's my new favourite thing.


"Isabelle.." he says my name like it's important to remember.

"And yours?" I am in no way ending this conversation without knowing the guy's name.

"Jeremiah," he smirks. I have no doubt that my cheeks have turned red for probably the tenth time now since I laid my eyes on him.

"Where's Addy? I mean, Adeline, sorry. That's her name right?" I ask him, seeing that she isn't in the hallway or near him.

"Inside" he nods and then gestures towards his apartment.

"Oh." I mumble not knowing what to say now. It's like I have forgotten to make conversation with somebody.

"See you around, neighbour" he smirks, dismissing the conversation.

I don't know how long I've been staring until my face snaps out of its trance when he closes the door behind him.

"Jesus, Isabelle.." I scold myself before walking in my own apartment and start putting things in their new places.


"Hey mum" I answer the phone quickly as the call comes in.

"Hey Isa! Have you settled yet?" She chips. I smile at her voice, imagining her excited face as she talks. My mum is a talker and I love that about her.

"Somewhat. You should come see it" I take a seat on one of the stools of the small island in the kitchen.

"I'd love to! Have you seen the campus yet? I'm regretting letting you buy an apartment instead of getting a dorm room.." there she goes again. I sigh before trying my best to stay calm.

"Mummy. I don't want to talk about this again. Please. I'm perfectly happy on my own" I try my best to sound firm but not too harsh. She knows why I preferred having an apartment instead of a dorm room. She knows I wanted to be a little let loose this year. I didn't want to put much effort into making new friends on campus and all that stuff that comes with 'being a college student' subject.

"Fine, fine. Just saying. You would've befriended someone by now if you were in a dorm room. Don't you want to make friends there? Not all principals are young and nice, Isabellee." she says and I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"Mummy..." I purposely drag the word, silently pleading with her not to dig the past.

"What? It's true. You have to get out there and not just be by yourself all the time at some point you know? And Isa, you know you. We all know you'd get excited when someone talks to you and you'll consider them your friend fast" she says as a matter of factly. I hate that about myself though.

"Okay. I need time though. I will try to mingle though" I assure her.

"That's my baby. You'll do just fine, okay? You're smart and mature, you know when to draw the line and you know what to do when. Just believe in yourself."

If that were that easy.

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