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I never thought I'd ever get up from bed with a huge smile on my face, excited for the day. The feeling almost felt strange, to be happy even before starting the day, I mean, honestly, I haven't ever started the day with feeling anything except for the times where the previous night consisted of something so haunting that I'd wake up in the morning remembering whatever happened like it happened just a second ago.

But today, I was happy without even putting effort.

The past so many months have been the most eventful months I've ever lived through but I'm not complaining one bit because I wouldn't even think of trading those months for anything in the world.

I never thought I would ever find love let alone experience falling tremendously in love with someone. I may have had a couple of crushes here and there, yes but I never was fully able to give my entire tortuous-self to somebody. I never thought I'd be loved ever by someone the same way I loved them.

It's dreamlike how you could have someone to unconditionally love you with all of your shitty flaws and fully accept you just the way you are no matter how messed up your life has been and to have the privilege of loving that person with everything you are.

I can never say I deserved Him no matter how my life turned out to be but I will always be forever grateful to Him for being a part of my life through everything and eagerly wanting to spend his forever with mine.

"Isabelle Heathers, words cannot describe how much I've waited for this day to happen. It's from the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one. I never thought I'd be able to experience all those precious moments I experienced with anybody but experiencing all of them with you is the one of the many amazing things that have made me this man I am today. I remember those two weeks. The only two weeks you were out of my sight. I thought I lost you forever but there you were two weeks later. I was so relieved at that moment than anything else in my entire life. I was so happy you came back. I love you, Isabelle. I love you so much that I don't want to let even a millisecond pass by without you being by my side. I vow to love you every single day and to cherish you, protect you, be there for you, to spend forever with only you."

I didn't have to check my eyes to know that I'm crying at this point because my eyes were literally pouring every last bit of moisture.

"Jeremiah Walker, you have no idea how much of a lifesaver you are. You're the best thing that could ever happen to me and I'm more than grateful to you. I've always wondered how my life would be if I had someone who would love me in and out, I used to dream of someone to love me for who I am until you. You chose me out of so many. I can't thank you enough for the infinite amount of love you've shown me, for loving me, accepting me, cherishing me, making me feel special every single day, being my personal therapist, being mine. I vow to be the woman you want me to be for the rest of my life and I vow to forever love you with everything I am."

I couldn't stop smiling, it was all I could ever do at this point, just seeing him, standing handsome in his tux, eyes never leaving mine, tears pooling at the edge of his eyes but not letting them fall.

"You may kiss-"

"About time!" Jeremiah interrupts before the priest could even finish his sentence making everybody laugh as he closes the gap between us, cupping my tear-stained cheeks and finally leans down and kisses me oh so passionately.


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