Handsome fox beastman

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Elsa recognise them, the young man was Parker and the girl with mud on her face was non other then the female lead Bai Qingqing.

Harvey opened the door letting both of them in, Elsa was standing in connor of the wall,her existence was completely ignored.

Evey thing was going according to the as it was written,this made Elsa feel anxious, she went near Harvey and stood beside him to attract his attention.

"Harvey are you done?"pouted Elsa attracting everyone attention towards her.Harvey fell for her cute looks and couldn't help to rub her soft silky black hairs and answered "Yes, it is done".

Seeing a female beside Harvey who was enchantingly beautiful.Bai Qingqing was amazed by the beauty in front of her,she was even beautiful than the model and celebrities. "Ahem!"coughed paker bring Bai Qingqing back to sense, though he was also attracted by the the female infront of him but he already has a female so he did not completely fall for beauty(Elsa).

Elsa's POV

God, I must be in coma but it feels so real.To surviving I have to find strong males as partner. I think Winston is the best candidate to be my patner as he is both strong and Wise,he is also the character that I admired a lot. The most pitiful character was shuu even after he died he did not stop loving the female lead and died for her.I decided I will go to the beast city and have Winston and Shuu as my patner and leave the city before the it gets destroyed

It's been five days now since I came to inside the novel.I thought Harvey how to use spices in the meat and also taught him to cook many food mostly I did cook food because I feel uncomfortable letting me cook may be because of my habits.  After being stalked by beastmen many time.Today Harvey and I left to the tribe to stay in the beast city.After traveling for long we finally reached in the city.I looked around to see many stalls and shopes. Many beastmen looking towards us and talking about me and Harvey with I ignored.

After finding a perfect home Harvey went to ape kings palace to pay for it.After coming back he turned in to beast saying that he smelled other male and  rolled on the floor,he acted exactly like Parker in the novel which made me bit confused.

After working tirelessly for two days, the stone house finally resembled a home.The two of us stayed here peacefully.

Next morning

When I woke up,I felt warm liquid slipping through my legs.

“Elsa you are in heat.”said Harvey in exitment.“Harvey could you bring me some cotton”I blushed as I was embarassed to ask him.He turned into beast and went outside the house  and returned with a handful of cotton in less than a minute.I asked him to help me get water to bath.After bathing I felt a lot comfortable.

Due to periods lot of beastman started to woo me which annoyed me I decided that I would have to distinguish my face like Bai Qingqing but I don't think that freckles can male me look ugly.I asked Harvey's help to distinguish my face, Harvey bought a fruit that Looked like berry and squeeze then and applied it on my face carefully on side of my face.“How do I look?”I asked .

“You look beautiful to me.”he said by flirting with me I  blushed hard and hit his chest playful

I looked towards Harvey him having playful expression and felt my heart stoped beating for a second I think I started falling in love with Harvey.

At noon Harvey went to buy rice leaving me alone in the house.I felt very boring to stay inside the home and went out side for walk outside not to far.As I was looking around and walking I bumped into something hard“Ah~”I moaned in pain,my nose really hurts damn who put a pillar in middle of the road.

“Female are you hurt?”

I looked up to see a tall fox beastman,God he was so handsomen that I could not take my eyes off, he was three striped beastman,he was very fair and  had long white hair till his waist that was tied into pony with two fox ears on his head,which looked very seducing specialy his seductive purple crystal eyes  that could suck out soul.


“Sorry for staring at you and thankyou for concenting ”I woke from daze and  and apologied to  him and said that I was not hurt.Damn he to beautiful I thought.

“Female my name is Adam from fox clan”he introduce to me which was unexpect to me.


Before I could say anything a I heard Harvey calling my name so I decided to leave him and went to Harvey after waving my hands to him.Harvey carried me back home.Finally after six days my periods ended and I could go outside and asked him to take me to the place to collect bamboo.

Harvey took me to the place were bamboos were growing,I asked Harvey to cut few bamboo tree and took them home with us.At home I was busy making items with bamboo’s with Harvey like bamboo mat,baskets and many other things to decorate the home.

I went to lake with Harvey to catch fish with the help of fish baskets that she weaved with bamboos that she left in the lake at morning.came back with all the fish baskets there were fishes in each and every one of them.Harvey was amazed to see so many fishes that were caught and took them out from the basket through hole.

At home I cooked fish that was liked by Harvey very much.

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