Winston's spouse mark

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Elsa woke up she saw her male's surrounding her.She tried to stand up but was stopped by Winston.

“Take rest you are pregnant”

Elsa felt burst of joy in her heart,she gently touched her flat belly and couldn't believe that she has baby in her stomach.

“Am I really pregnant but my stomach is still flat?”She felt her stomach was flat.

“You are only three weeks pregnant”said Harvey.

“That means I am pregnant with your cub Harvey”she said as she recalled that she mated with Harvey after her periods.Harvey smiled making her dizzy with his smile.

It's been almost a month,her pregnancy symptoms started showing up.She always had mood swings she acted like a child and became very picky when it comes to food.

Bai Qingqing did not vist her frequently like before since the day she was pregnant.

Adam for hunting and only Winston was left in home with Elsa.Harvey and Shuu went for training to awaken their triple mark since the day Elsa was attacked. They mostly fought with each other or challenged someone who was stronger than them.

Winston was chopping woods from the store room,sweat dripping from his face made him look very sexy Elsa felt her body was heating up with disire to carve his body.

Elsa got up hugged his sweaty body.“Winston shall we mate”she said to him with her tiny voice like a cat.

Winston halted his action and turned to look at her in disbelief.

“What say”

“I said let's mate”she repeated.

Winston kissed her lips and without wasting anytime he carried her to the bed room and tore her animal skin leaving her only leaving her underwears he was about to tare it but was stopped by her.

“Stop don't tare them I will take it off myself”She remove her underwear reveling her plump big breast that had grown even bigger after pregnancy and her beautiful lower part.

Winston also took his skirt off and kissed her whole body from top to bottom.

“Ah~”Elsa moaned as he sucked her nipples.After sucking her nipples enough he instead his dick that was much bigger and thicker that it made her feel that it would kill her.

“Ah~”Elsa moaned as he slowly and carefully thrusted her.

Slowly he started speeding up and thrusting deeper.Moans of Elsa echoed in the room with loud slapping sound.

Outside Adam who have just returned from hunting stopped on the door steps listening to the moans that came from inside and understood that Winston was mating with Elsa.Harvey and Shuu to came back to hear the moan coming from the home.After more than a hours they started to pray that Winston to finish it fast as it was difficult for them to hold on due to the seductive smell of female that was coming.

Elsa woke up and felt pain on her back.but she felt amazed that she didn't die after having Winston big thing inside her.

Winston came happy with a bowl of the  bird soup.He kept it on side and hugged her tightly.

“I never dreamt that I will be near  your heart”Winston thought that after mating he might be on her arm of her leg but he never even dream that his spouse mark will be near her heart that was almost close to Harvey's spouse mark.

Winston left her and took the bowl and fed her the soup with wooden spoon.
After feeding her he took the bowl and left.

Harvey came in to check her health and found that she and her cubs were fine.He notic Winston's spouse mark that was near to his he was not sad nor felt threaten he was happy for Winston.
“Winston almost defeated me in the position”he joked.

Elsa  smiled at his joke and knew that no one would take Harvey's position in her heart as Harvey is best among her mates because of his wise and kind nature that made him very special and he is the only one who could understand her very well than anyone even more than herself.

Shuu came inside with his tail and ears down like a sad puppy.
“You mated with Winston”Shuu was kind of jealous of Winston.

Elsa found his expression very cute.“Do’nt worry I will mate with you next time”she said to comfort him.

Elsa went out with Winston and Harvey to collect some herbs for making shampoo,they found Parker lying on the ground coverd with wounds.As a friend Elsa asked Winston to carry Parker till Bai Qingqing's house.


Bai Qingqing opened the door and she saw Parker being carried by Winston.She asked them to bring him inside.Harvey checked his condition and said he will wake up in few days and  gave treatment to his injuries.

“Elsa what happen to Parker?”Bai Qingqing cried.

“When ,I Winston and Harvey were looking for herbs in  outside the city we found Parker fainted on ground and was badly injured.Winston carried him and bought here under my command”Elsa replied.

“According to me it must be Bard Rosa's mate with third strips other then Adam,we know”said Harvey.Elsa agreeing with him.

Three days later Parker woke up and awaken third strip,Shuu was very jealous of him and started training even harder to be stronger than him. Bai Qingqing was also found pregnant after few days.

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