Roman is on the news/Roman's cryptic call to Leilani

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There was a terrible storm that was passing through New York and Joelle was tuning in to the news. Leilani was cooking dinner and the twins were helping her.

Maria Ortiz the news reporter: Roman Reigns' grave has been disturbed--.

Joelle: Leilani, come in here for a minute.

Leilani: Come on, girls, let's see what your sister wants.

She turned the stove on simmer and they wiped their hands with a damp cloth. They went into the living room and got beside Joelle. She turned the volume up a little louder.

Maria: The body has been missing from the casket for 6 years going on 7. The police have tried to keep it under wraps, so, as not to alarm the survivors of Roman Reigns' wrath. We have Lieutenant Hernandez with us to tell us what's really going on with this investigation.

Lt. Hernandez: We're doin' everything we can to possibly find Roman Reigns and this time put him behind bars for his crimes that him, and his wife, Galina Reigns, committed years ago. 

Maria: Have you heard from the survivors as of late, Lieutenant?

Lt. Hernandez: We don't speak that often with the survivors, but we do keep tabs on them just to make sure that they're safe, and out of harm's way.

Maria: Can you get into the mind of Roman Reigns?

Lt. Hernandez: Roman Reigns wants to end what he started. He killed Leilani and Jeremiah Donzitas' parents, and then, he killed his own wife, Galina Reigns, in front of a pregnant Leilani. Now, the first thing that Roman is gonna do is look for Leilani and the rest of his children, and he's gonna do everything in his power to keep them with him at all times. In other words, he wants his family back, and if he can't have Leilani and his children in this lifetime, then, no one can. 

Maria: Do you know where the survivors are, Lt. Hernandez?

Lt. Hernandez: Yes, and if they're watchin' this, Leilani, Jeremiah, we have the police, FBI, and SWAT Teams in your locations watchin' you 24/7. You are safe, and so, are the children. If you hear from Roman Reigns at anytime, call us. We'll start tappin' your phones, immediately, to catch this guy.

Maria: There's an APB out for Roman Joseph Reigns. If you know anything or have seen anything containin' his whereabouts, please call this number on your screen. You have a nice night.

The news had shown a picture of Roman Reigns on the screen and the number underneath it saying: 1-800-GET-ROMAN. Ata and Elisa held onto Leilani's arms and all three of the girls looked at Leilani.

Joelle: Leilani, our father is comin' for us. All four of us. What do we do?

Leilani: Stay with your sisters, I'm gonna make sure everything is locked. 

Leilani started closing the doors, making sure every window and door leading to outside is locked, and grabbed some flashlights for emergency. She went back into the living room and the phone rang. 

I'm pretty sure it's just Jeremy or Leiandra just calling to check up on us, Leilani's mind said. She picked up the cordless phone and saw the words Unknown Caller on the screen. She pressed Answer and put it to her right ear. She cleared her throat and put her hair behind her ears.

Leilani (calmly): Martinez residence, Leilani speakin'.

Roman: Long time, no speak, Lei.

Leilani's eyes got big and she looked at the phone.

Leilani: Roman?

Roman: Ding, ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. You gave me a proper burial, but never a proper funeral, and as for our children, they think their dear ol' daddy is dead.

Leilani (shakily): You were on the news. All of us seen that your grave had been disturbed. Jon shot you multiple times and you died.

Roman: You see, that's where you're wrong, my sweet apple blossom. You thought I was dead and I had you all fooled. I've got nine lives like a cat, baby. You can't put the Head of the Table down just like that. I'm always gonna keep comin' back from the dead. 

Leilani: What do you want?

Roman: Now, there's the million dollar question. Oh, it's easy, I want my family back which consists of you, Joelle, Ata, Elisa, and Leiandra. Leave the asshole that you're gettin' ready to marry and make a family with behind, and I promise you that no one will get hurt. Jeremy won't be on the brink of death this time.

Leilani: You don't know who you're up against this time, Roman. The whole entire world is lookin' for you, and if you get near us, Damian won't just hurt you. He'll dismember you.

Roman: Not if I dismember him, first. I want my family, Lei, and I always get what I want. You've got until the anniversary of my fake death to choose. I'll call and talk to you, soon, and if you even think about goin' to the police, your future husband will be watchin' me dismember his body parts before his very eyes. Tell the girls I love'em.

The line went dead and Leilani hung up the phone. She looked at the girls and they had fell asleep on the sofa bed. She walked towards them and put the covers on top of them. She went into the office and cried.

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